How to teach a dog commands

Education and training is an important stage in the development of relations between the dog and the owner. Training of dogs begins at an early age, training should be consistent and systematic. Before training, the master must learn the basic rules and methods of training, familiarize himself with common mistakes. It is important to understand the psychology of dogs, the way memorizing commands. If the performance of the teams is encouraged by delicacy, the reflex arc will pass through the food center, so the dog will subsequently stop executing the commands if they are not encouraged by the food. This is unacceptable for dogs of large breeds. The goal of education should be the obedience of the dog, regardless of the circumstances. But to achieve submission to brutality and cruelty categorically impossible. Relations between the owner and the dog should be built only on love and respect, the dog must obey the master, recognizing the leader in it, and in no case a tyrant. In cases where the help of a trainer is required, the owner of the dog should know that the task of the trainer is not to teach the dog, but the owner, to explain how to work with the animal correctly. Under the supervision of a specialist, the owner himself works with the dog, gives commands, encourages and punishes, the trainer at this time only corrects the actions of the owner. When teaching some breeds to individual teams, it is also recommended to use the services of professionals. For example, before teaching a dog to a facial team, it is necessary at least to get advice about a specific breed, especially if the execution of these commands is required for the dog's work, for example during hunting, or guarding.

How to teach a dog to go to the toilet

When a pet only appears in the house, before you start teaching him commands, you need to teach the dog to go to the toilet. If the puppy is still too small, and does not walk outside, then the apartment has a special place where a tray is installed. As soon as the owner notices that the puppy starts to look for a place, it is necessary to take it to the tray, and when the kid does his business, be sure to praise. Walk the dog in the morning, after eating and playing games, and also at night. When you need to teach a dog to go to the toilet on the street, the actions will be identical. In the morning, before the puppy goes to the tray, he is taken to the street, and encouraged if he does what is required of him. Next, during the day, the puppy should be closely monitored, and taken out to the street immediately, as soon as he goes to the tray.

How to teach a dog commands: sit, lie, next, give a paw, voice, go to the place

To execute these commands, a mechanical method of training is used. This method consists in influencing certain muscle groups when giving a command. To beat a dog in no event it is impossible. The impact occurs by pushing or pulling the leash. To execute the command "sit" press on the rump, and the leash is pulled up. For the team "lie" - when sitting, press down on the withers, and pull the lead down. In order for the dog to give the paw in the sitting position, give the team and take a paw. Then they give the command and stretch out their hand to the paw. Bark dogs when exposed to stimuli. Therefore, before you teach a dog to voice, you need to prepare a piece of treats, plant the dog and give her a sniffing snack so that she can not grab it. At the same time give a command, and as soon as the dog bows to give her a treat. To train the team "next" the dog is pulled by a leash command. To accustom the dog to the place she is given a command and assigned to her place. Any team can be accompanied by a certain action, for example, clapping your hands, flicking your fingers, patting your leg, and gradually accustom to executing commands given by these signals.

Many owners want to teach their pets to some special teams, but this is not possible until the animal is trained in the main teams. For example, before you teach a dog to bring slippers you need to work on the "apport" team, whose goal is to serve objects. To understand this command it is necessary sequentially, that the dog both brought and gave subjects.

The execution of commands is part of the educational process. Regardless of the breed, the dog must obey the owner and perform a certain set of commands necessary to ensure the safety of the animal (to me, near, fu), to ensure the safe conduct of hygiene procedures (stand, sit, lie, give a paw). To learn the dog should be approached seriously, if necessary, contact the professionals to avoid mistakes and not injure your pet.