Stevia - growing out of seeds at home

Stevia is a perennial plant that has useful properties. Many people use it as a substitute for sugar, buying in a pharmacy or in a store. However, not everyone knows that even at home it is possible to grow stevia from seeds.

How to grow stems from plants - planting

At home, a container with a soil mixture of turf and sand in equal proportions is prepared for planting. Before planting stevia seeds in the soil, make small depressions (up to 1-1.5 cm deep). Then put 1-2 seeds and sprinkle them with earth. Spray the soil with a sprayer.

Growing sprouts of stevia in the home

The container with seeds is covered with a lid and placed under a fluorescent light bulb in a room where the temperature regime will reach +26 + 27 degrees. The first three weeks the pot with seedlings should be under the lamp around the clock.

Usually shoots appear after one and a half to two weeks. Once the young plants get through, the lid can be removed. Watering the seedlings when growing stevia from seeds is carried out carefully, the plant does not like the excess of moisture. It is better to water often, but little by little. Another option is to pour water into the pot holder. As soon as the young plants reach a height of 11-13 cm, they pinch, cutting from the top 2-3 cm.

The technology of stevia cultivation presupposes the transplantation of seedlings into separate small pots after three months from planting.

Care for the stevia at home

Pots with stevia are placed on the south or south-west window, as the plant is very demanding for light. By the way, in the absence of sunlight in the leaves of the bush, substances that give them a sweetish taste will not accumulate.

A suitable temperature regime in the warm season is + 23 + 26 degrees. In winter, it is comfortable in cooler conditions - + 16 + 17 degrees. True, the drafts and cold walls of the stevia are poorly tolerated, and therefore in winter it is better to remove the pot and plant from the window sill.

Water bushes often, but in small quantities. If we talk about bait, the fertilizer is brought in the summer every two to three weeks. You can use a universal complex fertilizer for indoor plants.

An obligatory point of caring for the stevia at home is the formation of the bush. For this, when the plant reaches a height of 20-25 cm, its apex is again pricked.

Plant transplantation is carried out every two years, changing the pot to a larger capacity.