Medlar - benefit and harm

Mushmula - this is the name of the fruits of two related species of plants, which differ from each other not only in appearance and taste, but also ripen at different times of the year.

Let's see what a fruit is - a loquat, what is its use and harm.


The first, in spite of its name, was from South-West Asia and South-Eastern Europe and was brought to Germany by the Romans. This is a low tree (up to 8 m) with large and long elliptical leaves. The fruits are reddish-brown in color and 2-3 cm in size. The pulp is sweet and sour, with a tart taste and streaky stains, like in quince or pear. However, it becomes such only if the fruits are frozen. Therefore the medlar of Germany is collected after the first frost.

You can use it fresh, as well as in the form of jams and jams.

The second type of plant - Japanese medlar - is much more famous. Its fruits are known and loved not only in Japan, but also in Greece, Israel, Spain, and even in Brazil and the United States.

It is a small (5-7 m) evergreen tree or shrub. It has larger leaves than the previous species and yellow-orange fruits up to 10 cm, resembling cherry plum or apricot. Blossoms from September to November (depending on the place of growth), and in May-June, the fruits are already ripening.

The taste of the medlar is harmonious, with a slight sourness. Reminiscent of a pear, with notes of strawberries and apricots. It is most useful to use this fruit freshly, having first cleared the skin.

What is useful loquat?

Mushmoo has been used for a long time as a means to strengthen the intestines and improve digestion. Its fruits regulate the activity of the gastrointestinal tract, help to cope with flatulence, colitis and other ailments. In addition, thanks to a large number of pectins, regular consumption of it helps reduce cholesterol, which is the prevention of cardiovascular diseases. They also use it for kidney disease, gout, urolithiasis.

The medlar contains many vitamins A, B and folic acid, so it is useful to use it for pregnant women. In addition, it is an excellent dietary product. Like many fruits , the loquat is rich in fiber, and the low calorie content of 40-47 calories makes it a good assistant to everyone who wants to lose weight.


Medlar should be excluded from the diet for stomach ulcers, increased acidity and inflammation of the pancreas. In the rest this fruit is safe.