Caloric content of borsch with beef

Borscht on beef broth is one of the traditional dishes of Slavic and Russian cuisine. Calculate the calorie content of borscht with beef can only be in general terms, since every cook and every hostess has its own nuances in the preparation of this dish. For people who follow a figure and keep the energy value of a daily diet within a limited range, it is important to have a representation of at least the average calorie content of a dish.

Caloric content of beef broth

To calculate the caloric content of any dish, you need to take into account the energy value and the number of all components included in the recipe. To determine the calorie content of borscht on beef broth, it is necessary to know, first of all, the composition and basic indices of the broth itself.

Beef broth from two kinds of meat products - edged peeled meat or pits. Caloric content of the beef borsch broth can be reduced by draining the first fat. In addition to reducing the energy value, this procedure allows to achieve clarity and transparency of the finished broth, as well as eliminates the need to remove the foam when boiling meat.

If you take into account that on a 3-4 liter pot of borsch requires about 1 kg of beef, then the finished broth will have a caloric content of 100 g:

The nutritional value of bone and meat broth also has some differences and is:

How to sum calories of borsch with beef?

Vegetable set for borsch has a traditional composition, which includes cabbage, potatoes, beets, carrots, onions, greens and seasonings to taste and individual preferences. In addition, when preparing the frying, vegetable oil or syrup is used, as well as tomato paste. In the ready borscht, many like to put sour cream or mayonnaise , thereby increasing the calorie content of each serving by 45-60 kcal, depending on the percentage the fat content of the additive.

Caloric content of boiled vegetables for borscht in 100 g:

Thus, the average calorific value of borscht on beef is about 70-100 kcal per 100 g. The borsch portion of 250 g will contain 225 kcal on average, while adding sour cream and meat, this figure accordingly increases.