Why dream of killing a rat?

Little rats cause a rush of positive emotions, especially if it is not a pet, but a pest is dangerous, insidious and threatening health. It's no secret that they can behave aggressively, often attacking those who stand above them in the food ladder. What is it that dreams of killing a rat is in this article.

Why dream of killing a rat in a variety of dream books?

This rodent in a dream always represents enemies, enemies and ill-wishers, and if you do not kill him, do not win over him, then these enemies will triumph over the sleeper. Here are some interpretations that can be found in a variety of dream books:

  1. To destroy a rodent of black color means to avoid a serious danger, perhaps even fatal.
  2. If hordes of mice and rats are observed, which as a result of baiting perished, then in reality you can overcome small complexes and shortcomings, become more confident in yourself.
  3. If the rodent was sitting on the table before death, the sleeper will excommunicate the envious person and the traitor. Sitting in bed, he represents a rival or rival, and a victory over him will positively affect the relationship between the spouses.
  4. Those who are interested in what they dream of killing a rat with their hands, which met on the way, you can answer that by doing this, the sleeper will clear his path from obstacles and hope for a successful completion of what he started.
  5. Those who ask why they dream to kill a rat with a knife, and even with the allocation of a large amount of blood, it is worth noting that this always foreshadows pleasant news from relatives. If the rodent was on the doorstep of the house, then the meeting with relatives is not far off.
  6. Those who want to know what a white rat dreams to kill, it is worth saying that this is a symbol of victory over the enemies and success in business, which in no way could be brought to an end.
  7. If the attacker of a rodent is killed by a non-sleeper, but by another person, then someone will help in a difficult moment, extend a helping hand.
  8. To kill a rat in a neighbor's house means to reconcile with those with whom you had to fight for a long time.
  9. Trying to kill an animal with a stick for a long time and unsuccessfully means that you will have a tight day and there will be many small obstacles and misunderstandings that interfere with the implementation of plans. We have to take into account every detail to get out of the situation without losses.
  10. Since this animal is often associated with infections and diseases, then to defeat it means to get rid of the ills and illnesses.

In any case, the death of a rodent is a good sign, no matter what color and size it was. From now on things will go uphill and everything will gradually improve.