New Year's signs and traditions

Strange, but signs for the New Year are interested even those who are not a bit superstitious. In this magical time of year, everyone is ready to believe in a miracle, why the New Year's signs and fortune-telling never lose their popularity. Everyone wants to open the veil over the secrets of the future, to get an extra reason for believing in the best.

We offer you the most popular New Year's signs and superstitions:

  1. The proverb, which originally belonged to Christmas, now sounds like this: "How you will meet the New Year, so you will spend it." That is why in the New Year you need to gather at a beautiful table with the closest and dearest people, wear beautiful clothes and wish everyone happiness and success. Many forget that with alcohol at this magical time it is better not to mess with, as it often inflicts strife.
  2. Another superstition about the New Year, which calls for the renunciation of alcohol abuse: if on January 1 you are cheerful, cheerful, feel good and happy, the whole next year will also pass. However, if you wake up with a hangover with a sick head - you expect health problems.
  3. If anything happened to you on the New Year, it is possible that a similar event will accompany you in the New Year.
  4. If you sneezed on the New Year - it says that the whole year will be happy and carefree.
  5. To lure a financial success , all December 31 and January 1 carry large bills in your pocket. If your clothes do not have pockets, take the money into the battles.
  6. In order to have an abundance in the New Year, you need to make a rich, beautiful table.
  7. For prosperity in the New Year on the table is supposed to put salt and bread loaf.
  8. New Year signs and superstitions say: do not return debts in the New Year, otherwise you will live in debt for the whole year.
  9. In the New Year you can not take out rubbish, otherwise the house will be restless.
  10. If in the New Year you invited guests home, there will be guests all year round.
  11. If on January 1st you work hard, then you will spend the whole year also.
  12. In order to get a lot of updates in the New Year, be sure to celebrate the New Year in something new.
  13. It is forbidden to lend to the New Year, otherwise you may find yourself in need.
  14. By the New Year, try to save money, because if your pockets are empty now - then all year you will have problems with finances.
  15. To ensure the year of successful trade, on January 1, the trader needs the first buyer to give the goods cheaply.

Superstitions for the New Year - this is not even superstition, but an extra way to convince yourself that everything will be fine!