Barbaris Tunberga "Aurea"

If you want to plant some bright and unusual plant on your garden, we advise you to pay attention to the barberry . In addition to its spectacular appearance, this bush is also remarkable for its unpretentiousness, and a huge variety of barberry varieties expand the possibilities of using it in landscape design almost indefinitely. Today we will talk about Barbarisa "Aurea", described for the first time by the Swedish scientist Karl Tunberg.

Barbaris Tunberga "Aurea" - description

The height of the barberry of Tunberga "Aurea" is on average 0.8 meters, and the girth of its crown is 1 meter. Crown barberry "Aurea" is distinguished by a neat round shape. Young shoots and leaves of this barberry have a lemon-yellow color. With the advent of autumn, the foliage color changes to orange-yellow. In May, the barberry of Tunberga "Aurea" is covered with small (about 1 cm) flowers collected in bundles. Flowers have a two-tone color - red outside and yellow inside. In late September, you can start collecting bright red shiny fruits.

Barbaris Tunberga "Aurea" - planting and care

The place under the landing of the Tunberga barberry "Aurea" is best chosen in the penumbra. The fact is that this type of barberry is prone to sunburn. To the fertility of the soil, the barberry of Tunberga "Aurea" is undemanding, but it will be best to feel on light soils that pass air and water well. The only thing that this plant is afraid of is waterlogging, so it should be planted in places that are not prone to groundwater stagnation. To save the bush from freezing, it is worth planting it on a site protected from piercing winds.

Planted seedlings of barberry can be in early spring or autumn, after the fall of the fall. By spring planting early enough, as soon as snow falls from the ground. For shrubs up to the age of three, you need to prepare a pit with a depth of 0.5 meters and a width of 40 cm. A substrate containing humus, turf and sand in a proportion of 1: 2: 1 is poured out to the bottom of the pit.

To feed barberry start in the spring, for the second year after planting, repeating this procedure every two years. Urea is best for this purpose.

To water barberry it is necessary infrequently, only in the most droughty periods, using for this purpose a warm water. And that the bush received a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients, the soil around it must be periodically loosened.