How to equip the aquarium?

The aquarium is very important not only as part of the interior, but also as a habitat for fish. Therefore, the question of how to equip the aquarium is very relevant and important. It should be remembered that the aquarium is a fairly complex ecosystem.

How to properly equip the aquarium?

To make a cozy house for your home marine life, you need to know the basic rules. A classic aquarium is the home of fish and houseplants. The main vital indicators that should be adhered to: lighting, temperature, aeration. If you are thinking about how to equip an aquarium for cichlids , you must take into account the mandatory presence of massive scenery: snags, stones, caves, passages. They should be predominantly dark in color. These arrays must be distributed in such a way that the fish have a place to swim.

Guppies are one of the most common fish, so the question of how to equip the aquarium for these types of bothers all novice aquarists. For them, any aquarium from 10 liters with algae is perfect. They are unpretentious and can live without additional aquarium accessories.

Another common question is how to equip an aquarium for a turtle . It all depends on the size of the turtle (for a species up to 10 cm, a 40 liter aquarium is suitable). Depending on the type, it is necessary to purchase a filter, a lamp and additional locks, stones to which the turtle can get out.

A round aquarium has a small area, so it is important to know how to equip such a house for fish. A special compressor is mandatory. The luminaire must be placed on top. There are various varieties of aquarium decor that can transform it into a mesmerizing and original underwater world.