Golden youth - how do the children of wealthy parents live and play?

At the age of eighteen, to ride a pink "Bentley" and not think about how to live on one scholarship, where to find work-outs, how to save for the first trip - all this is easy if you are a child of wealthy parents. The children of rich parents have their own problems and concerns, their own ways of entertainment and their own way of living.

Who is the golden youth?

The concept of "golden youth" appeared at the end of the 18th century during the time of the French Revolution. There are several variants of origin:

  1. Gold youth are young people, adherents of the king and supporters of the monarchy, royalistic spirit, they are children of noble and wealthy bourgeois. Their style of clothing is rich, luxurious, embroidered with gold.
  2. Prior to the well-known events in France in the middle of the XVIII century, Zh. Zh. Rousseau in his novel "New Eloise" writes about golden youth without political coloring - these are the children of noble parents, rich, luxuriously dressed in jackets, embroidered with gold.
  3. Another option is closely connected with politics and no longer with "gilded" clothing, but with gilded signs of the old French army. In 1793, the decree "On Suspects" issued, which equates to the change wearing these distinctive signs. Especially they are young people, still devoted to the king.

Modern golden youth has nothing to do with politics. The concept has long lost its political overtones. Now the golden youth are the children of very rich, influential or famous people. More often - all at the same time. The majors, as they are called in Russia, lead an idle way of life, not denying themselves anything, without needing anything.

How does the golden youth live?

The life of the golden youth is carefree and secured. These children are the heirs of their wealthy parents who are engaged in various business areas. To take the position of a high-ranking father in the future, one must learn. Therefore, education in prestigious universities in Russia and not only is one of the components of the life of such children.

There is an opinion that many offspring from wealthy families have a problem of motivation - when do you have everything you need to strive for and what do you want? In this regard, a lot of scandalous stories about how the wealthy kids were entertained, chasing the night route, someone was treated in a drug treatment clinic, and someone - a lover of public tricks.

What does the golden youth do?

The days of golden youth differ from ordinary people's everyday life, simply because they can afford almost everything. Young people have private airplanes, cars with a personal driver, study in private private schools, more often abroad (in Switzerland, the UK), have servants, dine in the most expensive restaurants, where a check for lunch can make up the cost of a good sedan.

How does the golden youth rest?

It's good to have a rest, it's the motto of modern rich offspring. And they know how! Few people are as entertained as the golden youth is entertained. Researchers of the phenomenon of golden youth conditionally divide it into two types, which have one common feature - thirst for thrill.

  1. Night . Night clubs, closed parties, pampering with various narcotic drugs, race on night routes and other delights of the sublunary life.
  2. An impeccable . Expensive sports (surfing, snowboarding, golf). Staying for six months at sea and ski resorts for them is a common thing.

Movies about the golden youth

Films about majors and golden youth are not uncommon in both domestic and foreign cinema. Directors know about the desire of ordinary people to look behind the veil and find out how the golden youth parties are held, how extremely rich people live. Some directors turn to moral aspects, the problem of choosing and searching for motivation among rich children. Films and series that will tell about the simple uneasy life of the "cream" of society:

  1. Golden Youth . Stephen Fry's film about a young writer who lived on the verge of poverty, but once fell into a carefree world of luxury and idleness.
  2. Cruel games . Roger Cambl's famous thriller about how the cynicism and callousness of satiated and pampered young people can lead to a real tragedy. The film starred trio: Ryan Philip, Sarah Michelle Gelar and Reese Witherspoon. In a secondary role, you can also see the popular movie star - Salma Blair.
  3. Great Gatsby . The film, shot by Baz Luhrmann, based on the well-known novel by F.S. Fitzgerald, immersed in an atmosphere of luxury and chic. Aristocratic spirit, multi-million-dollar parties, the most expensive cars - there is everything that will serve as a background for dramatic events with the main characters.

Books about the golden youth

About majors and golden youth not only make films, but also write books:

  1. "Ugly Flesh" by Evelyn Waugh. Ironic novel about the English aristocracy.
  2. "Hell" Lolita Pius. A book about the problems of modern golden youth, the search for the meaning of life, love and friendship.
  3. Gossip Girl Siseli von Siegesar. A fascinating bestseller about gossip, intrigues, treason among rich children, preparing to enter the best universities and colleges.