Sense of ownership

In the people, a feeling of ownership is usually called acute jealousy . As a rule, a person who experiences this, painfully experiences any contact of a loved one with any person of the opposite sex, does not tolerate when the attention of the object of love gets to someone other than himself.

Jealousy and sense of ownership

It's no secret that the sense of ownership in relations has not made anyone happier. As a rule, because of him, he himself is jealous, and the object of his jealousy. Jealous can be both men and women and it manifests itself is usually approximately the same:

Some people quite easily tolerate the presence of a jealous person near themselves, others such control will be terribly annoying. Not every person is able to endure such an attitude toward himself.

How to get rid of the feeling of ownership?

Jealousy and a sense of ownership is amenable to correction. This requires a whole range of measures:

Best of all, with the question of winning over a sense of ownership, turn to a good coach who can find a path that suits you for several sessions.