Exercises for voice

Voice is an important tool that allows a person to communicate his thoughts to others. Good speech data helps to locate people, make a good impression, which allows you to open many roads in life. There are special exercises for voice and diction that help get rid of existing defects, improve timbre, etc. To achieve good results, you need to regularly conduct training.

Exercises for the voice to sing and speak well

There is a huge amount of techniques used by announcers, singers, actors and many others. Let's consider some simple, but effective exercises:

  1. To the left ear, put the palm of your hand like a shell, as if you are wearing headphones, and squeeze your right hand into a fist and bring it to your mouth - it will be a microphone. Start loudly uttering different words, sounds, sentences, you can even sing. This exercise will help you understand how your voice is heard by people around you. It must be done within 9 days for 7 minutes.
  2. Vocal exercises for the voice involve performing a charge for the face, the purpose of which is to force the lips and the diaphragm to fully work without using the throat. The task is to pronounce the syllables "kyu-iks". On the first part you need to round your lips, and the second syllable you say with a smile. Do 30 repetitions.
  3. The following exercise helps to reveal the power of voice breathing and to train the voice apparatus. It is often called "Cat". Arrange in a comfortable position and take a slow and deep breath through your nose, and then hold your breath for a few seconds. After that open your mouth as wide as possible and exhale, while uttering a hissing sound like an embittered cat. Do a few repetitions.
  4. Consider another exercise for the voice for singing and speaking . It will help to gain the intensity of sound and vibration. The challenge is to have every day for 10 min. read any text, but without taking into account consonants. For example, the phrase "interesting article" should be read like this - "i-ee-ah-ah-ah." Then read too, but without the vowels.
  5. Another exercise for the voice will make it more voluminous. Write on the sheet of paper vowels: A-O-U-E-Y-I. After that, in front and behind, attach the letter M. As a result, the following results: MAM-MOM-MUM, etc. The task of the exercise - when pronouncing the first syllable, you imagine if you fill a small ball. With the same sound, fill the ball with more, and then the whole room. It is important not to scream, but to increase the volume of pronunciation. Repeat with the second syllable, etc.

Regularly performing these exercises, it will be possible in a couple of weeks to see good results.