Inflammation of paranal glands in cats

Paranal glands are two small glands located at the exit of the anus of the cat. They emit a thick substance with an unpleasant odor that makes the inside of the tail greasy and smelly.

Many animals use these glands in self-defense or labeling with odor. Usually they are cleared at a standard defecation.

However, most domestic cats lost their natural ability to clean anal bags themselves, so owners need to periodically help them with this.

If the animal loses the ability to control paranal glands, then they increase in size and interfere with natural defecation. Inflammation of paranal glands in cats can bring great inconvenience to the animal, causing it to suffer. To avoid negative consequences and alleviate the sufferings of a pet, one must immediately organize the correct treatment.

Paranatal glands in cats - symptoms

If this disease occurs, the following changes are observed in the animal:

These symptoms are a direct signal of the onset of the disease and require immediate intervention.

Treatment of paranatal glands in cats

If you notice that the cat starts to "ride" on the pope and the manifestations of some of the listed symptoms begin, then you need to start emergency treatment. First you need to try to empty the gland in one of two ways:

  1. The "internal" method . Put on a rubber glove and apply a petroleum jar with your index finger. After that, enter it into the anus and pinch the gland with the thumb and index finger. This will get rid of the secret.
  2. "The external method . " Press the two fingers to the anus, squeezing the gland. The secret will come out on condition that it is liquid enough.

After a couple of days, itching and pain must pass and the animal will cease to experience any inconvenience. If a single cleaning does not help, then you need to repeat the procedure 2-3 times. Combine treatment with warm baths with the addition of 0.1% potassium permangonate solution and with rectal suppositories with levomycetin. In the event that the treatment of inflammation of the paranal glands does not help, the animal most likely suffers because of allergic reactions, worms, or lumbar pain.