Psychology of abnormal development

The psychology of abnormal development is one of the directions of psychoanalysis , which is most closely connected directly with the clinical manifestations of various physiological disorders in human development. In fact, this is a scientific direction that studies mental dysentogenesis: any deviation from the norms of mental development.

If a child, for example, has pronounced hearing impairments, then as a consequence, the development of speech functions slows down, which leads to difficulties with adaptation in the environment. And the mental development of the baby, respectively, will be to some extent different from those processes and stages through which his peers go, who do not suffer from such abnormalities.

The Importance of Psychological Comfort

Any restriction of physical possibilities, one way or another, affects the psychological state of a person and the main aspect that considers the psychology of abnormal child development and which is considered the cornerstone of any work with such children is that a child with physical disabilities, especially with congenital or acquired at an early age, does not perceive them as something unnatural. For him, this is the norm, he lived with this how many remembered himself and his worldview is very different from the basic interaction with the environment of his healthy peers. Therefore, when dealing with such cases it is extremely important not to disturb the psychological comfort of the baby, smoothly preparing it for the relationship with its environment and with the social environment in which it will be.

The psychology of abnormal personality development is quite complex in its structure and depends primarily on the etymology of physical deviations from the norm and their consequences, manifested already in the person's mental development. Therefore, special attention is paid to anomalous development in special psychology, since any defect can simultaneously influence several levels of the structure of the human psyche at once, which will not affect the quality of the child's vital activity and its adequate perception of everything that is happening.