Hormone of joy

Surely you have often heard the statement that feelings are a continuous "chemistry". Emotions that we experience are indeed the result of various biochemical reactions in our body. For example, a person feels a sense of spiritual recovery, joy and boundless happiness at the time of the release of special hormones, which are also called "hormones of joy." In your arsenal there are many available ways that will help stimulate their development and feel almost always in high spirits.

Types of hormones of joy

There are various hormones that can affect the psychoemotional state of a person. Serotonin is a hormone of joy known to almost everyone. It regulates the work of many body systems, including reduces pain. Another hormone of joy is endorphins. It is his release most easily provoked. It is believed that to increase the production of serotonin and endorphin can be through acupuncture. Finally, it is worth mentioning the third hormone of joy - oxytocin. Its concentration in the blood increases significantly in women during labor, during lactation, and also during sexual arousal. Oxytocin reduces feelings of anxiety and fear and gives a feeling of satisfaction.

In search of the hormone of joy and happiness

One of the most effective ways to provoke the release of these hormones is long, but not debilitating physical activity. Running, running, tennis or swimming is best. Most likely, you remember how in the middle of the run you had a feeling of unprecedented ease - this is the so-called "runner euphoria". And almost the whole day after sports I feel cheerfulness and spiritual recovery - this is also the work of endorphins.

The hormone of joy endorphin is also produced when listening to your favorite musical compositions. It's not so important which music of your genre you prefer, the main thing is that it evokes pleasant associations. Put on your alarm clock your favorite melody, and the morning rise will not seem so heavy.

Aromatherapy is another effective way to stimulate the production of the hormone of joy. It is believed that the release of endorphins more than others stimulate certain essential oils (rose oil, patchouli oil, lavender, geranium). But the main thing is that you like the chosen fragrance. Well, if your collection will have several perfume bottles. Going to a deliberately pleasant event or on a long-awaited journey, use one of the flavors. Then in the future it is he who will cause you positive emotions.

Of course, one of the most pleasant ways to provoke a powerful release of all three hormones is having sex. Also, the active production of the hormone of joy is carried out at a time when you are laughing heartily.

In which products to search for a hormone of joy?

In fact, these hormones are not present in pure form in the products, but they contain substances from which serotonin and endorphins are formed. One such compound is the amino acid tryptophan.

  1. Products containing the hormone of joy, or rather - tryptophan: dates, bananas, figs and plums.
  2. Often you can hear that the hormone of joy is in chocolate. In fact, chocolate is the source of all the same tryptophan. Try to choose dark varieties, because it is in them the highest content of this amino acid .
  3. Tryptophan can also be found in tomatoes, so it is possible that a salad with tomatoes will help raise the mood a little.
  4. Milk is also a source of peptides, on the basis of which serotonin synthesis is carried out in our body.

If you use the methods described above to increase the production of hormones of joy, you can forget about bad mood at any time of the year and in many situations.