Aching back, giving in the leg

Recently, more and more often young people turn to specialists about back pain of different localization. Many doctors associate this with the lack of mobility inherent in urban residents who work in the office and move on cars. This way of life significantly increases the risk of various diseases of the musculoskeletal system, but not always the cause of such pain can be associated with the spine. Let us consider in more detail why the lower back can ache and at the same time give (irradiate) to the legs.

Aching low back, giving in the foot - reasons

Pain syndrome, which hurts the lower back, giving in the leg, can have different intensity and character, be acute and chronic. So, patients can complain about burning, pulling, aching, shooting pain, giving to the buttock, thigh, shin, foot. In this case, the following may be noted in different cases:

Against the background of this pain syndrome, scientifically called lumboschialgia, other symptoms are often observed:

The following factors can provoke the appearance of lumbosciagia:

The causes of such pains, associated with diseases of the spine, are often the following pathologies:

Back pains that give up the leg, which are not related to the pathologies of the spinal column, can arise for the following reasons:

Treatment of low back pain in the leg

In the syndrome, characterized by the fact that the loin hurts and gives in the leg, the treatment is prescribed after diagnosis and clarification of the disease that lies at its basis. For this purpose:

In the acute period, general appointments, as a rule, are:

After the pain subsides, the treatment may include:

Balneological, reflexotherapeutic methods of treatment give a good effect. If there is no positive result of conservative therapy, surgery may be recommended.