Salad "Blizzard" - for those who are not afraid of bad weather

The New Year holidays are just around the corner, which means that it's time to prepare recipes for a traditional hearty feast. Many of the classic holiday recipes we already had time to consider, so now let's talk about the variations of this very classics. Salad "Blizzard" can be represented in the form of an analog of the famous "Olivier" (only its simpler version, with sausage instead of cancer necks). So the fans of "Olivier", wishing to please themselves with something new in the range of holiday snacks, can assort recipes from this article into their cookbooks.

Salad "Blizzard" with French fries

For those who do not spare their waist, we recommend to celebrate the New Year with a salad "Blizzard" with French fries. Yes, not the most dietary choice, but how delicious!



Potatoes are cleaned, cut into strips, dried with a paper towel and fried in deep-fried. Onions are sliced ​​and fried until soft in vegetable oil. If you use fresh mushrooms instead of canned in the recipe, you can fry them together with onions.

Now turn for a small - cut the ham with ham, and the egg and salted cucumber - chopped into cubes. Mix all the ingredients, except for greens and potatoes, and refuel with refined vegetable oil, salt and pepper to taste. Now it remains only to lay out potato chips and chopped herbs on top of the dish.

Cheese "Vjuga"



Potatoes are cleaned and cooked until ready in salted water, after which we cut the tuber into cubes. Mushrooms are cleaned and cut into plates, fry in vegetable oil. The hard-boiled eggs are cut into cubes and mixed with the rest of the ingredients. Now in the salad you need to add chopped ham (by the way, it can be replaced with smoked chicken breast , or boiled sausage) and peas. The last in the salad is grated cheese. Now it remains only to mix all the ingredients and fill them with mayonnaise sauce, or a mixture of sour cream and mayonnaise. We decorate the prepared dish with chopped green onions.

"Snowy Blizzard" salad



Let's start preparing our puff lettuce from the salad dressing with butter. At the bottom of the salad bowl three solid cheese on a fine grater. Carrots and potatoes are cooked until ready and also rubbed, spreading mayonnaise layers between vegetables. Onions cut into rings, fry to transparency and spread over the potato layer. We divide the boiled eggs into yolks and proteins. Yolks in the classic grind with mayonnaise and smear it with a mixture of the previous layer. Now turn the sausage, it can be cut into thin strips, or cubes, and then evenly spread over the yolk mass.

Now a salad bowl needs to be put in the refrigerator for 30 minutes, after which, cover with a plate and turn the entire "Snowy Blizzard" to a flat dish. To salad has a New Year's mood, it should be sprinkled with grated protein and decorated with greens and fresh vegetables, such as thin cucumber slices, or cherry tomatoes.