How to choose a red lipstick?

Today we decided to share the secrets of how to choose a red lipstick. In the warm season the make-up wants to be made more light and unobtrusive, but the cold is an excellent reason to thicken the eyes with black, or use red lipstick. It's up to you to choose the right shade!

How to choose a shade of red lipstick - a universal technique

For a long time, jokes around the make-up artists used to say that there is a universal red color that goes absolutely to everyone, but no one has ever seen it. Today we can safely say: this color of lipstick exists, and we are not only ready to demonstrate it in the photo, but we will be able to describe in words. So, the universal can be called red lipstick, which combines a pure red color, mixed with a neutral tone. Approximately imagine how it will look exactly for you it is possible, mixing a small amount of the usual foundation with a lipstick bright, saturated, pure red. The output will be a little dusted red. This is not only the perfect tone of lipstick, but also the most trendy shade of the season. If you want more brightness, and not a muffled tone, choose a lipstick depending on the color of the hair. We will teach you!

How to choose a red lipstick brunette?

Holders of dark hair should be aware that the greater the contrast between skin color and hair, the brighter the lipstick. For example, the owner of porcelain light skin can safely use a wine tint, or scarlet color, and swarthy girls are more suitable red-brown, or cherry tone.

How to choose a red lipstick blonde?

Light-haired girls are best served by clean and bright colors of cold tone. This will help refresh your complexion and make a beautiful accent. Do not choose too dark red, or reddish-brown tint.

How to choose a red lipstick blonde and red?

First of all, you should determine which shade of hair - warm, or cold. Lipstick should not contrast with your curls. By degree of saturation, it is better to choose a few muted tones.

How to choose a red-haired woman?

The brown-haired women should also proceed from the fact that they have a warm, or cold color, type. The easiest way to determine this is by the color of the veins on your wrist: if they are greenish, a yellow palate will suit you, if blue is blue. Lipstick for the brown-haired woman can be of any degree of saturation, but you should not get involved in a terracotta shade, and also a pronounced lilac tone. Your red should be as clean as possible.

Here are a few more secrets:

  1. Lipstick warm shade will hide the yellowness of teeth, cold - emphasize.
  2. Matte lipstick visually reduces the lips.
  3. A clear contour is no longer fashionable, shade a pencil for lips.
  4. Do not be afraid of contrasts, they can become a "highlight".