Children's massage for 1 year

Therapeutic baby massage is a universal tool for strengthening the health of your child, which can be used from the first months of his life. It is massage that helps a child overcome postpartum stress and discomfort and make his development more harmonious, easy and successful. It is important not only for weak and premature babies, but also for those who look quite healthy.

Up to a year of pediatric massage will help to adapt

It is important to understand that not only does the mother give birth to the most stressful. The baby passes at the time of birth in a completely different environment than the one in which he developed initially. Massage for children at home helps to settle in new conditions and strengthens the body of the baby. It is important to understand what a multi-faceted load now affects its still fragile organism:

  1. Henceforth the baby eats through the mouth, which is unusual for him and leads to intestinal colic.
  2. The crumb meets with the microflora, which is the environment.
  3. For the present the kid possesses only the passive immunity acquired from the mother.
  4. The child learns a new type of breathing - pulmonary.
  5. Passes active restructuring of the cardiovascular system.

Of course, to all these and many other unusual for your crumbling factors, the body to rebuild and get used is quite difficult. To help him, after reaching six weeks of age, you can start a professional massage for newborns at home. Previously, such a measure of care should not be practiced, since the first month of life is unnecessarily stressful, and the baby needs to adapt itself. In addition, in the first month the baby sleeps for 20 hours a day, and during this time the body actively accumulates forces, and the children's medical massage can react in the most unfavorable way.

Professional baby massage: benefit

Professional home-based massage greatly facilitates psychomotor development and promotes harmonization of the child's psyche. It's no secret that any caresses, stroking, hugs and kisses show the crumb that he is loved and desired, which makes his well-being better.

Children's acupressure is an excellent, proven means that reduces anxiety and helps the crumb to relax. His cardiovascular and nervous systems are strengthened, the baby becomes calmer and eats better. In addition, children's massage and gymnastics allow you to get rid of the extra energy that the baby has accumulated during the day, which makes the baby sleep better.

If the mother or father regularly performs the elementary massage themselves, similar effects will also be achieved. Professional massage also contributes to a wider range of effects on physical development.

Massage for newborns at home

Massage for infants at home does not need to be done by a specialist. Some elements can also be practiced by his parents, moreover, completely independently. In addition, a light massage can be practiced even before reaching the age of one month.

This option involves gentle slow stroking with warm hands of the entire body of crumbs without any restrictions in the duration of the procedure. Such elementary technique of children's massage is the preparatory stage, which is used even in professional massage as an introductory procedure. It does not carry any danger and is very pleasant - for both crumbs and parents. Doctors confirm: even such a simple procedure contributes to the rapid increase in weight and rapid development of the baby. And this is equally effective for ordinary children, and for those who were born before the term.