What can a child in 11 months?

The eleven-month-old baby is not the same baby you brought from the hospital recently. Skills and abilities of the child are improved every 11 months and new ones are acquired. Careful parents should promote the development of their child, so that it develops harmoniously physically and intellectually.

Naturally, all the children are different, but in general, the mother should have an idea of ​​what an average child can do in 11 months and whether her baby corresponds to this list of skills.

The development of speech

The vocabulary of the eleven-month-old has many syllables and the child is trying to build them into a kind of sentence. This is called an active babble, which is about to turn into phrases. Approximately 30% of children of this age already know simple words and understand to what or to whom they are: mom, dad, baba, am-am, gav-gav, etc.

Often, the boy begins to speak later, what is the same girl at 11 months old. This is due to the difference in the development of the different hemispheres of the brain - the boys have more developed motor activity, and the girls are intelligent. At an older age, they will certainly equal.

Motor skills

At the age of 11 months the child is very good at various activities that require the activation of fine motor skills. Adults may wonder how cleverly the child takes small objects or even crumbs with two fingers - this is called a tweezers grip.

In an effort to teach the baby to be independent, the attentive mother can invite a child to use a spoon and a cup. After regular exercises, by the end of the month the child will be relatively good at coping with its task, but not without loss - Mom will have to wash the floor in the kitchen after each meal.

About half of the children at 11 months already begin to walk, but the other half will master this skill a little later, and this is the norm.

The eleven-month-old kid deftly crawls and knows how to pull up well on his hands, in order to stand on the legs at the pedestal. Having released one hand, he can only lean slightly on the other, and for a long time to be in such a stable position.