Legal education of schoolchildren

Every person, big or small, is a separate, self-sufficient person, with his own opinion, desires and thoughts. Living in society, he also has certain rights and duties, which he needs to know about. After all, ignorance of the law, as is known, does not relieve us of responsibility for possible misdemeanors and offenses. Legal consciousness should be educated in the child already from the school bench, so that by the end of the school he realized himself to be a full-fledged citizen of his country.

Civil legal education of schoolchildren is engaged in this issue. In the lessons of history and law, as well as during extracurricular conversations, educators are gradually forming a civil position among their students. You can start such a job already in primary school, and the upbringing of junior schoolchildren can be called morally legal. A significant role in this process belongs to the institution of the family. It is parents who must explain their truths to their babies, impart certain spiritual values ​​to them. Children 7-10 years old can be told that:

Civil legal education of junior schoolchildren is the first and very important step in the formation of civic consciousness. Without an understanding of the above, the transition to a higher level of awareness of oneself as a citizen of one's state with all the ensuing consequences is impossible. A schoolboy must understand that he is responsible for his actions to himself, society and the state.

Legal education of senior students should include the following activities:

A special moment in the legal education of schoolchildren is the education of patriotism. Make it so that the child is proud of his belonging to the nation, his homeland, was an active member of civil society - this is the primary task of legal education. To do this, in pedagogical practice, a method is used to study the history of the native land, the lives of famous countrymen, as well as familiarity with the peculiarities of state symbols.

In addition, every child should be able to defend his civil rights in case of need. It's no secret that in our country the rights of children are regularly violated. A child before the attainment of adulthood is under the care of the parents. It happens, that adults - parents, teachers, and outsiders - consider children to be the "lowest link", which must obey and obey, thereby infringing upon its honor and dignity. And this despite the existence of the Declaration of the Rights of the Child! Therefore, one of the goals of legal education of young people is to learn how to assert their rights before society.

Civil legal education of schoolchildren is of great importance in modern society. Conducting regular legal studies in schools favors the growth of legal awareness among children and even reduces the level of child crime.