Fire safety for children

A fire is always a huge danger to a person, and you can not argue with that. But if the adults know about the potential danger of any fire, and how to behave in a fire, then little children simply do not possess such information, and when a fire, they often find themselves defenseless. For this reason, children should learn fire safety rules as soon as possible.

Rules of behavior of children in case of fire

Actions in the fire for children are almost the same as for adults, because fire does not differentiate by age. So, if in an apartment or a house there is an unexpected fire, the child should act as follows.

  1. If the flame is small, then you can try to put it out yourself, throwing a blanket over the top or a damp cloth. If the fire does not go out or it is too large to be put out, you must quickly leave the apartment.
  2. Before calling firefighters, you must first evacuate. To do this, close your nose and mouth with a damp cloth and, moving crawling, leave the room. The elevator in the entrance is better not to use, because in the event of a fire, it can turn off.
  3. Then you should immediately call someone from the adults (neighbors) and call the fire department immediately at 101. This number, as well as other emergency numbers (emergency, emergency, police), any child should know by heart. By phone it will be necessary to inform the duty officer of the fire department of his full address, including the floor, to tell what is burning, to give his name.
  4. After evacuation, the child should expect the arrival of firefighters in the yard of the house, and then - perform all of their commands.
  5. If you can not get away from home, you need to get to the phone yourself to call the firefighters. You can also call the neighbors and parents and call for help.

Knowledge of fire safety for children is sometimes more important than knowledge of foreign languages ​​and mathematics. Teach the basics of this letter, you can already 3-4-year-old child. This should be done in a playful way, showing the child thematic pictures, reading poems and asking questions:

  1. Why is fire dangerous?
  2. What is more dangerous - fire or smoke? Why?
  3. Can I stay in an apartment where something is burning?
  4. Is it possible to extinguish the fire on your own?
  5. Who should I call if a fire broke out?

Fire safety classes for children are held in pre-school and school institutions, but parents have a special role in this matter. After all, according to statistics, it is at home, in their absence, with children, tragedies most often occur.

Fire safety lessons at home and at school can be conducted in various forms:

These methods, combined in a complex, will help parents and teachers prepare children for such non-standard situations as a fire. Such conversations should be held regularly so that the children know exactly what a fire is, what it is dangerous for, what to do if there is a fire in the house, and what, conversely, can not be done so that a fire does not arise.