Ascites of the abdominal cavity with oncology

Ascites is a pathological accumulation of fluid in the abdominal cavity, which most often develops as a complication of cancer in the intestines, stomach, liver, lungs, mammary gland, ovaries.

The causes of ascites in oncology

Ascites develop as a result of the fact that diseased lymph nodes can not remove lymph from the retroperitoneal space, i.e. disturbed lymphatic drainage in this area. Also, cancer cells spread through the peritoneum due to tumor metastasis.

This not only provokes the filling of the abdomen with liquid, but also helps increase the intra-abdominal pressure, which causes the diaphragm to move into the chest cavity. Therefore, ascites of the abdominal cavity, which is a frequent consequence of oncology, in turn, violates the anatomy of the internal organs and causes dangerous complications from the cardiovascular, respiratory, digestive systems, etc.

Sometimes ascites develops after surgery to remove the tumor when abnormal cells are introduced into the peritoneum, and this complication can be provoked by a course of chemotherapy, in which a strong intoxication of the body occurs.

Symptoms of abdominal ascites in oncology

With a small ascites, the abdomen of patients, especially those with a weak abdominal wall, spreads in the supine position, protruding laterally ("frog stomach"), and in the standing position due to the movement of fluid in the abdominal cavity, the abdomen increases in volume and hangs in the lower part. If the ascites is significant, the stomach, regardless of the position of the body, is characterized by a domed shape, and the skin on it becomes stretched, shiny.

In addition to visual manifestations, the main symptoms in this pathology are also:

Prognosis of abdominal ascites in oncology

In the case of such terrible diagnoses as abdominal ascites in oncology, it is important for patients and their relatives to know how much they live with this pathology. According to statistics, the two-year survival rate, provided timely treatment is about 50%.

Treatment of ascites of the abdominal cavity with oncology

Removal of fluid from the abdominal cavity is very difficult, especially if you start treatment two or more weeks after the onset of the complication. The following methods are used:

  1. Reception of diuretic drugs (Lasix, Diacarb, Furosemide, Veroshpiron, etc.) - is appointed by a long course with short breaks and is carried out even in the absence of a visible positive result. It is necessary to combine diuretics with potassium preparations to maintain the water-electrolyte balance in the body.
  2. Laparacentesis is a radical method that involves the removal of accumulated fluid by puncturing the abdominal wall and pumping out. This method is associated with a high risk of complications such as adhesions, damage to blood vessels and internal organs, infectious processes, severe decrease in blood pressure, etc. After the operation, patients are given plasma or albumin solution to compensate for protein losses. Sometimes after pumping out the fluid, catheters are installed to further remove it.
  3. Diet with ascites of the abdominal cavity with oncology - almost complete renunciation of salt, a drastic reduction in liquid intake, limited consumption of bakery products, products that increase gas production.

It is recommended to increase the use of such products: