Placental abruption

Under the diagnosis of "placental abruption" in obstetrics, it is customary to understand the early detachment of a child's place from the surface of the uterine wall. Such a violation of the gestation process has a harmful effect on the development of the fetus and often leads to its death. Consider this violation in more detail, describing its types, causes and methods of therapy.

What types of detachment exist?

Having dealt with the fact that such an abruption of the placenta in the current pregnancy, we proceed to the classification of this violation.

So, depending on the time of development, distinguish:

After the area of ​​the placenta is assessed, which is exfoliated, the doctor makes a diagnosis:

Because of what can this complication develop?

As can be seen from the above classification, such a violation of pregnancy can develop both during the period of gestation itself, and directly during delivery. However, this fact does not depend on what caused the violation.

Among the factors that provoke the development of placental abruption, it is necessary, above all, to name the following:

Such reasons serve as an explanation of why the detachment can develop during pregnancy. If we talk about this violation, which occurs during the birth process, then, as a rule, it is caused:

How is the detachment manifested and what are its degrees?

Depending on the type of clinical picture, there are 3 degrees of severity of such a violation, as placental abruption:

  1. Light form. Its peculiarity is the fact that the general condition of the pregnant woman is not violated. There is a peeling of a small portion of the placenta, which is accompanied by the release of a small amount of blood from the genital tract.
  2. The average degree is characterized by a detachment of 1/3 of a child's place. With external bleeding, the blood is fairly voluminous, often with clots. There is a pain in the abdomen, an increase in uterine tone. Fetal hypoxia develops, which requires intervention by physicians.
  3. Heavy degree. There is an exfoliation of 50% or more of the entire area of ​​the placenta. The general condition of the pregnant woman deteriorates sharply, there is severe uterine bleeding, the fetus dies. This condition requires urgent hospitalization.

What threatens to detach the placenta and what to do with its development?

At the appearance of the first symptoms (pain in the lower abdomen, blood from the genital tract, increase of the uterine tone, absence of the movement of the floor), it is urgent to see a doctor.

In order to determine the degree of detachment, ultrasound is performed. Depending on the data received, physicians make a plan for further action. So, with a slight detachment, monitor and monitor to ensure that the area does not increase. With complete detachment, an early delivery is required. In the early stages in such cases, the fetus can not be saved.

If we talk about what this complication can lead to, then this is: