Dipyridamole in pregnancy

This kind of medication, like Dipiridamol, is often prescribed during pregnancy. The main purpose of its application is to improve microcirculation, which ultimately contributes to better blood supply to organs and tissues.

Why is a dipyridamole prescribed for pregnant women?

Most often tablets of Dipiridamol in pregnancy women are appointed to prevent the process of aggregation (clumping) of platelets, lowering blood pressure.

The medicinal properties of this drug are used by physicians to treat cardiovascular system disorders, improve blood circulation in the vessels of the brain, glomerulonephritis and other diseases.

So, according to the instructions for the use of dipyridamole during pregnancy, the drug can be prescribed to improve blood circulation inside the blood vessels of the placenta, which is especially important in such a violation as fetal hypoxia.

Also, during numerous studies of the drug, it was found that its components positively affect the state of the body's immune system, which is important in the period of gestation. However, this effect is weakly expressed and can only be a complement, i.e. to improve the immune system, the drug is not prescribed.

Is dipyridamole harmful for pregnant women?

Having told about the purpose for which Dipiridamol is administered during pregnancy, it should be noted that this drug absolutely does not adversely affect the organism of the future mother and her baby. All, without exception, the components of the drug, are completely metabolized in the liver of a woman, then come along with bile in the intestines, and are excreted from the body.

What are the contraindications and side effects of Dipyridamole?

Is it possible to drink dipyridamole during pregnancy, in each case, the doctor decides. The thing is that there are contraindications to taking this drug, among which there are:

In addition, according to information from the instructions, dipyridamole during pregnancy, especially in its 3rd trimester, should be taken with extreme caution and only with the appointment of a doctor.

As for the side effects observed with the use of dipyridamole, then, as a rule, it is:

How should I take the drug?

Dosage of the drug and the frequency of its administration, as well as the duration of treatment should be indicated solely by the doctor, taking into account the characteristics of the course of pregnancy. To a large extent, everything depends on the level of threat of development of fetal hypoxia, condition of placental blood flow. It should be noted that the drug is recommended to be used on an empty stomach.

When using the drug should take into account the following factor: the simultaneous use of Dipyridamole and products containing caffeine (coffee, tea), reduce the effect of taking this medication.

Thus, as can be seen from the article, this kind of drug can be administered during pregnancy, both for preventive purposes, and for correcting existing disorders in the work of individual organs and systems. In order not to harm your health and the health of the baby's future, a pregnant woman should not use the drug on her own (only the advice of the girlfriends who received it) without medical consultation and appointment.