Dairy fish - good and bad

Dairy fish is an ocean fish, the only member of the radiant family. It is found in the warm waters of the Pacific and Indian oceans, and on an industrial scale is bred in the Philippines, and even is their national symbol. In European cuisine, it is not very popular, but on the islands of the Pacific, this is a very common form. Dairy fish got its name because of the snow-white and very pleasant taste of meat, the second, less common name - hanos.

Benefits and harms of dairy fish

This fish belongs to dietary varieties. Caloric content of milk fish is about 80 kilocalories per 100 g of product. Unlike river fish, oceanic, namely, it refers to hanos, is rich in bromine and iodine, as well as necessary for our body phosphorus. Meat of milk fish contains vitamins of group B, vitamin PP and a little vitamin C and is an excellent source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D.

Like most other fish, dairy contains fish oil, although not disliked by many since childhood, but so necessary. It contains omega-3 and omega-6 acids - a building material for the brain and cell membranes. They also affect the work of the nervous system and normalize blood circulation.

From the lack of iodine , which is contained in the meat of fish, endocrine system suffers, or rather, the thyroid gland. In 200 g of chanos contains a daily norm of iodine in an easily digestible form.

The use of fish as a whole brings, in addition to good, some harm, albeit insignificant. The thing is that milk can not be eaten in the milk, as all the harmful substances dissolved in ocean water accumulate in it. But if you throw your head and cook chanos correctly, then the benefits of dairy fish can not be overestimated.