Types of memory in psychology

Such a person's mental function, like memory, is special. Other functions can not be performed without its participation. Memory manifestations are very diverse and multifaceted. We bring to your attention the classification of memory types in psychology.

Types of human memory in psychology

By the time the material was saved

  1. Short-term memory . The material is not stored for long, about twenty seconds, and the volume of elements, which is simultaneously kept in memory is small - from five to nine.
  2. Sensory memory . The information is stored at the level of the receptors, if it is not transferred from the receptor storage to a different form of storage, it is lost irrevocably. The retention time is very short - up to one second. Such memory is most often used in newborns.
  3. Long-term memory . It ensures long-term preservation of the material, storage time and volume of information are not limited. Long-term memory, in contrast to short-term memory, otherwise processes the information received. Long-term memory optimally "decomposes" information - this ensures its optimal preservation. This phenomenon is called "reminiscence", there is an increase in the volume of the desired material, as well as quality.
  4. Operative memory . It is an intermediate storage between long-term and short-term memory. Saves the material for a certain period of time.

By the nature of mental activity

  1. Emotional memory . It retains the feelings and emotions that a person has experienced. These feelings encourage or, on the contrary, keep a person from any actions that cause positive or negative emotional experiences. It is the strongest type of memory.
  2. Word-logical memory is predominant in relation to other types of memory. With this type of memory, a person analyzes the resulting material and allocates logical parts. The content of the material is carefully processed and divided into logical parts.
  3. Image memory . It is subdivided into taste, olfactory, tactile, visual and auditory. Especially developed imaginative memory in adolescents and children.
  4. Motor memory . It stores information about movements, as well as their systems. It is the foundation necessary for the formation of various labor and practical skills. Physically developed people, as a rule, have excellent motor memory.
  5. Mechanical memory . It helps a person remember the content of a material, which for some reason he can not remember. The person repeats the necessary information until it is deposited in his brain.