Psychological diseases

Mental disorders are the opposite of mental health. That is, a psychological illness can be called the state of a person who can not adapt to the conditions of life and solve life's problems. As you can see, for a "diagnosis" you do not need to let go of the mouth and fight in epileptic convulsions. True, even the "inability to adapt" causes her owners a lot of inconveniences in their personal and work areas.

Types of psychological disorders

There are many classifications of types of psychological diseases, which once again proves the absence of any facets between diseases. In the mental illness of a person, questions, not affirmations, still predominate.

According to the international classification system, all psychological problems and diseases are divided into internal and external, that is, exogenous and endogenous, respectively.

"Exo" means external in translation from Greek. In psychiatry, this term indicates that the illness or disorder is due to external factors. It can be a traumatic brain injury, a brain tumor, a psychological trauma, an inflammatory disease, etc. With exogenous disorders, everything is much easier than with the second category.

Find the causes of endogenous (internal) disorders is very difficult, because you have to search in the psyche itself. The disease occurs for internal reasons, it has no connection with external factors.

First of all, we are talking about heredity. This does not mean that a sick child must necessarily be born in sick parents. Heredity only increases the risk of the disease, but it must be combined with a mass of random factors.

It turns out that endogenous diseases have internal psychological prerequisites (heredity) and some share is allocated to external factors. These include:

There are also endogenous-organic disorders. Their peculiarity is that if there is an internal predisposition, the disease (inflammation of the brain) occurs when the external factor is stimulated - brain concussion, intoxication, etc.

These include:

Early signs

Many psychological illnesses and disorders can be cured by recognizing their symptoms at an early stage. Symptomatics is simple and universal - it is any violation of behavior that contradicts the cultural norms of a given society, as well as the oppressed mood and inability to perform their functions. The most common symptoms are: