Affirmations for women

"The new is a well-forgotten old." More and more recently, the seemingly forgotten old knowledge, which our wise ancestors owned, has returned to life. This knowledge includes positive statements, frequent repetition of which can positively influence the consciousness of a person. These statements are affirmations, frequent repetition of which, for women, helps to change their life for the better by bringing success and harmony into the home and in love relationships.

Let us briefly consider what affirmations are and how they can change life for the better.

So, affirmations - this is a short phrase that contains a certain verbal formula that, with constant repetition, fixes the desired image or the desired setting in the human subconscious, stimulating positive changes in a person's life.

The main sense of affirmation is changing your beliefs that for some women who, for example, are always unhappy with their figure or can not find a beloved man, it is very important

Applying affirmations

Positive statements can be spoken about, repeatedly recorded, read aloud or even sing. For example, you can put affirmation in using the browser as a home page, which opens always before your eyes when you start it, then affirmation will automatically work.

The duration of the session can be 10 minutes a day. As a result of regular repetition, positive attitudes will in time outweigh unnecessary stereotypes acquired over the years.

Affirmations for weight loss

Positive affirmations, perhaps, will be the most effective way for you, by means of which you can solve the problem with excess weight. It is possible that it may seem strange and strange to you that the loss of your weight does not depend on various fitness programs and proper diet. Pay attention to the effectiveness of such affirmations in comparison with some observation. For example, there are people who daily torment themselves with diets and exercises to exhaustion on fitness equipment, but they never managed to get rid of hated kilograms. But there are also those who achieve success, simply using a positive attitude with the help of positive attitudes to slenderness.

That is, applying affirmations, you, let's say, recode your subconscious, inspiring yourself a new way of life, a new life program in which your body possesses the harmony and slenderness that you dreamed about.

Examples of affirmations for weight loss:

  1. I'm happy that I have a thin waist.
  2. I love myself and adore my beautiful body.
  3. My body is tight and slender.
  4. I weigh little and I have the ideal weight.

Affirmations for attracting love

Only thanks to love people really feel the real enjoyment of life. Thanks to her, everyday life is filled with emotions and feelings. The soul radiates youth only when loved and loved.

Many charming and beautiful representatives of the weaker sex fail for failure, trying to bring their personal lives in order, to acquire a family. And in most cases, the reason is not hidden in the exterior, but in that, sometimes quite unconsciously, after suffering another failure, the girl repeats with vexation "Probably, I did not deserve to be happy" or "So I need it." At the same time, not fully realizing that such statements closes the possibility of success to enter into her life.

Here are, for example, affirmations for attracting love:

  1. I love me.
  2. Love comes to me without any effort and with ease.
  3. I'm loved and I love.
  4. I give love and receive even more in return.

Affirmations for attracting happiness

Truly to live is to feel happiness in each lived day. But now, in the time of money, the frenzied rhythm of life and an increased level of stress, not every woman can claim that she is happy. Necessarily, she will find that area of ​​her life, which is unhappy and from which she does not feel happier.

In order to enjoy happiness, daily attracting him into your life, repeat these affirmations of happiness:

  1. I attract happiness every day.
  2. Harmony and happiness fill my soul.
  3. My life brings me only happiness and pleasure.
  4. I am a very lucky person. My life is full of success and happiness.