Phases of sleep

We all know that sleep is the source of our strength, balm for the nervous system, the best of all medicines. Every woman knows from her own experience that often the most effective way to get rid of fatigue, a sense of anxiety, nervousness - just to sleep. And it also helps restore beauty and freshness, adequate perception of problems and life in general. It is not for nothing that they say that it is necessary to "sleep" with the problem, and then the right decision will come next morning.

Happy is the one to whom sleep comes at the right time, and leaves as quietly and imperceptibly as he came. Duration and depth of sleep in healthy people is different, but the average sleep rate for an average adult woman is eight hours, but it is only a convention. By the way, men are much less likely to complain of insomnia than women, although in general women sleep more than men.

The phases of human sleep

The nature of sleep is still not fully understood, but it is known that sleep is a cyclic, physiological process, over night there are four to six cycles of sleep, their amount depends on the duration of sleep. Each cycle is divided into phases, and scientists know exactly how many phases of sleep there are. The phases of a person's sleep are slow, deep, and also phases of paradoxical sleep.

Sleep always begins with drowsiness: the pupils narrow, the consciousness fades, and hallucinatory dreams arise. Five minutes later, a slow deep sleep comes, this is the phase of slow sleep, it is also called the "deep sleep phase". During the fall asleep many of the processes in the human body seem to be suspended: the temperature of the body falls, the respiration rate decreases, the pulse slows down, blood pressure falls, but the growth hormone, on the contrary, is produced extremely intensively in sleep. In this phase, the pupils slowly rotate under our closed eyelids. The contents of dreams seen in this phase will not be remembered awakened.

The paradoxical phase of sleep is characterized by increased activity of the systems and organs of our body. The second name of this phase is the phase of fast sleep. In particular, pupils quickly rotate, irregular breathing becomes irregular, blood pressure rises, heart rate changes. At the same time, the body hardens to restore strength, treats various ailments, and the brain, as it were, fixes what it has learned in the day. In which phase are the brightest dreams ? Just in a paradoxical, and, if you wake up in this phase of a person, he will remember them to the smallest detail. But he will wake up with great difficulty, some time will not understand what is happening.

Scientists know how to determine the phase of sleep: the cyclicity of deep slow and paradoxical sleep manifests itself in early childhood. In one-year-old children, the cycle lasts 50 minutes, at five years its duration is 60 minutes, for adolescents - 90 minutes, as for adults. You can calculate the phases of sleep, for this there are even special wristwatches, they fix the heart rate and on this basis "calculate", in which phase of sleep the person is.

Scientists know of such a problem as the violation of the phases of sleep (dissomnia). This violation includes a too long period sleep, lack of sleep, difficulty in maintaining sleep, increased sleepiness. The causes of this violation can be: stress, fatigue, excessive emotionality, mental disorders, the so-called "restless leg syndrome," a sliding schedule.

Sleep disorders usually cause a reduction in the phase of slow sleep and an elongation of the active phase of sleep. Because of this, a person wakes up more often at night, his sleep becomes torn. If you have such problems, you should immediately contact specialists, take sleeping pills and sedatives yourself is dangerous.