Dyslexia in younger schoolchildren

Dyslexia in children is a specific developmental disorder that manifests itself in a partial loss of ability to write and read. This disease in children is rare, and is usually more common in boys than in girls. To date, the exact causes of dyslexia have not been fully understood. Most scientists are inclined to believe that this disease is hereditary. Also, it is known that dyslexia is a consequence of anomalies in the development of the central nervous system of the child, as a result of which there is a violation of the interaction of specific functions of the brain. Numerous studies confirm that dyslexics have the same development of both hemispheres of the brain, while in healthy children the left hemisphere is somewhat larger.

Types of dyslexia

Dyslexia is quite difficult to diagnose in children and therefore only an expert in psychology can make an accurate diagnosis.

How is dyslexia manifested?

Symptoms of dyslexia can be:

How to treat dyslexia?

It should be noted that dyslexia, most common in younger schoolchildren, is incurable, but it is possible to help cope with the difficulties of the disease that a child may have. Therefore, treatment is more a correction of the learning process - the child learns to recognize words, as well as the skills of identifying their components. Certainly, correction is more effective at an early stage of development of dyslexia, and its prevention allows to reveal predispositions to the given infringement and consists in carrying out of a complex of preventive measures. With such a disease, medication has unproven efficacy and its use is not recommended.