Dry cough in a child - treatment

Child cough is one of the most common causes of parental anxiety. In this article, we'll talk about how to relieve the child a dry cough, what kind of help a child should have with a dry cough, and consider the most effective medications for a child from a dry cough.

How to cure a dry cough for a child and should it be treated?

Dry cough in children is not always a sign of illness. A healthy baby coughs on average 15-20 times a day. Cough is, in fact, a protective reaction of the body, a method of releasing the respiratory tract from foreign particles and bodies that prevent breathing normally. And hyper-caring mothers (and especially grandmothers) at the slightest manifestation of a cough in a baby are treated with his medicinal medicines and syrups, without digging up the reasons for the appearance of a cough. And since the most frequent guests in home medicine kits are expectorating syrups, the cough does not disappear, but intensifies (as the main function of such drugs is to help in the excretion of mucus, stimulation of coughing).

So, the first thing to remember yourself and explain to all relatives: not every cough is a sign of illness. Do not immediately rush to treat, first of all, you should establish the cause of the cough and only then determine the scheme and procedure for its elimination.

Cough is not necessary if:

  1. In addition to coughing, there are no other symptoms.
  2. The behavior and mood of the child is normal.
  3. The child has a normal sleep and appetite.
  4. Coughing does not prevent the baby from leading a normal lifestyle.

Treatment is required if:

  1. Cough paroxysmal, bothersome, very strong.
  2. The child can not sleep normally, wakes up at night from a cough.
  3. There are signs of an allergy.
  4. Coughing attacks provoke vomiting.
  5. Cough becomes stronger, seizures become more frequent.
  6. The baby is listless, complains of fatigue, feels bad.
  7. The child has a fever.

And the very first thing that parents should do is not look for a cough remedy for children themselves, but go to the pediatrician.

What is the cure for dry cough?

Treatment for a cough will depend on the cause that caused it. If this mechanical blockage (for example, something is stuck in the nasopharynx), then the treatment will reduce to the release of the respiratory tract from the foreign body. If the cause of the cough is an allergy, then first of all it will be treated (prescription of antihistamines and restriction of contact with the allergen are the most frequent measures). It is not excluded the development of cough as a symptom of infectious diseases (pertussis, false croup, parainfluenza, etc.)

Tablets, injections or cough syrups (dry or wet) should not be given to children without consulting a doctor. Similarly, it is impossible at your discretion to change the dosage, the regimen of admission or the duration of the course of treatment - this can not only reduce the effectiveness of therapy, but also harm the baby.

Non-medicamentous ways to relieve a child of a dry cough

To make it easier for a child to ease a fit of dry cough, you can give him:

Inhalations with dry cough can help a child well and greatly alleviate his condition. For inhalation use alkaline mineral water or a weak aqueous solution of baking soda. Remember that you can not use boiling water for inhalation of children.

A good effect is the massage of the chest and feet.

If the dry cough in the child has changed to wet, the sputum began to expectorate, which means that the healing process has begun.