Strabismus in children

Strabismus is called visual impairment, when when viewed directly there is a deviation in the position of one or both eyes. Strabismus affects about 2-3% of children, and most often this deficiency appears at the age of 2-3 years. But in any case, parents are worried whether it is possible to cure strabismus and how to prevent its appearance.

The causes of strabismus in children

Strabismus in a baby can occur for several reasons:

  1. Congenital strabismus. A baby is born with this deficiency, or the squint develops in the first six months of life. A defect occurs as a result of intrauterine malformation of the fetus due to infectious diseases of the mother or as a result of microscopic hemorrhage.
  2. Ametropia, that is, visual impairment - hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism.
  3. Violations of the central nervous system of the child (hydrocephalus, cerebral palsy).
  4. Postponed infections - influenza, diphtheria, rubella, measles.
  5. Postponed severe stress or fright.
  6. Injuries, bruises.

Sometimes parents are afraid of strabismus in babies. But this phenomenon is of a temporary nature and is associated with the immaturity of visual centers, pathways and nerve centers. Quite often strabismus at an early age passes by half-year. Nevertheless, it is still necessary to consult a pediatric ophthalmologist.

Consequences of child strabismus

Strabismus is not only a lack of appearance. Without treatment, this problem leads to the loss of binocular vision, thanks to which the child gets a true spatial representation of the surrounding objects. The work of the visual analyzer will be disrupted, which leads to a delay in mental development.

How to correct strabismus in a child?

If you suspect a visual pathology, parents should take the child to an ophthalmologist. The diagnosis of strabismus is usually not difficult. The doctor will observe how the eyes are positioned relative to each other while fixing the look on the objects, behind the reaction of the visual reflexes when the bright light is directed. In addition, the expert will conduct an examination of the fundus. "How to get rid of strabismus?" Is usually the first question of parents when the diagnosis is confirmed. The success of treatment depends on the type of disease and the causes of the onset.

Isolate primary and secondary strabismus. The strabismus, discovered up to one year and arising due to disorders of the nervous system, is considered to be the primary one. Secondary is strabismus, which develops in children aged three years and is associated with visual impairment.

In the primary form, the correction of strabismus in children is reduced to complex measures. Points can be assigned with corrective action, apparatus procedures.

How to treat strabismus in children with an acquired defect? Conservative treatment in this case is aimed at increasing visual acuity. With farsightedness or nearsightedness, wear corrective glasses. The method of occlusion is used, consisting of daily gluing or closing the bandage of a healthy eye for a certain time. So the child will be accustomed to rely on a weak eye.

To strengthen visual acuity and restore the connection between the eyes helps gymnastics with strabismus, due to which the eye muscles are strengthened. So, for example, a child can follow his eyes with circular movements in the form of a figure eight or V.

In addition, in the treatment of strabismus in children, outpatient techniques are used on special devices that help restore the ability to drain images from the right and left eyes into a single visual image.

If a specialist believes that conservative treatment is not successful, surgical intervention is performed, as a result of which the balance between the ocular muscles is restored.

Is strabismus treated? Undoubtedly, yes. However, parents need to contact the doctor in a timely manner. And the sooner, the more chances for successful getting rid of strabismus.