Night cough in a child

At night, parents hear a cough from the nursery that does not allow the child to fully sleep. The situation is repeated every night, and during the day, the child's well-being is excellent. Going to the doctor does not work - the baby is healthy. But how is this possible, because a night cough in a child can not be the norm?

Causes of cough

By origin, the cough is different, but its essence boils down to one - so the body is protected from pathological foreign agents (mucus, microorganisms). A strong cough in a child's sleep helps to clear the pharynx, trachea and bronchi. It does not always make sense to torment yourself with questions about why a child coughs at night and seek remedies for treatment. If the child coughs hard at night, you need to find out the reason. And it will not always be ARVI, a cold. Parasites, heart disease, gastrointestinal diseases, asthma and allergies can also cause a child to have a dry night cough that does not go away. 15 coughs per day are considered the norm. If the night attacks of a child's cough are repeated more often, then the doctor can not do without the help.

Why does the child cough and snore at night, and during the day these symptoms are not present? Because in the daytime, the mucus that accumulates, dissolves and disappears on its own, and at night these plugs block most of the nasopharynx, irritating the receptors. Cough occurs reflexively. A similar process occurs in the lungs. The situation is exacerbated by dry air in the room, so one way to ease a night cough for a child is the air humidifier.

Another reason that provokes a nocturnal wet cough in a child is gastrointestinal reflux, a disease that is associated with throwing the contents of the stomach into the esophagus. It also happens that the child coughs up at night until vomiting, if undigested food enters the mouth. Vomiting may also occur if the baby has had pertussis. Echoes of the disease for a few more months will bother him at night.

Treatment of cough

The only thing that can be done without the doctor's advice is to give the child plenty of fluids. Water helps to liquefy mucus. It will not be superfluous to humidify the room air. If there is no special device, a damp towel hung at the child's bed will do.

All medications, including antihistamines, can be given only after the treatment of a night cough in a child will be prescribed by a doctor. The fact is that moist and dry cough require polar approaches in treatment. Sometimes cough should be stimulated, sometimes - muffled.

Moms should remember that babies who are not yet six months old can not be rubbed with warming ointments! Sputum, which is actively diluted, can provoke suffocation, because the baby is not yet able to fully expectorate it. Similarly, steam inhalation. In addition, because of the vapor, the infection can penetrate even lower along the respiratory tract.

The most minimal thing that can be done to relieve night cough is to change the position of sleep to the baby. It is best that the baby is lying on his side. The temperature of the air in the children's room is slightly lower (by two or three degrees). This will ease the baby's breathing and, at the same time, will not bring discomfort.

If a five-year-old child already understands that a bout of coughing is temporary and will soon pass, younger children become scared. Mom should help the child to calm down, stroking it or taking it in his arms. And for this, she herself should be calm, because the excitement immediately passed to the child.

Health to you and your kids!