Stroller for twins

A stroller is a thing absolutely necessary even for one child. And to the happy parents of two charming crumbs, one can not do without such a wonderful invention of mankind as a stroller-cane for twins.

In case of a successful purchase, such a stroller will become the main means of transportation for your kids, and in the warm season it will completely drive out of your everyday life the usual, heavy stroller. But here's how to make it - a successful purchase?

Choosing a stroller for twins is a difficult and not a fast one. So, ideally, as soon as you learned that you are waiting for twins, immediately start studying the available in your city assortment of strollers for twins.

1. Start with specialized stores. While the pregnancy is short and the expectant mother feels well enough to go on a shopping trip to the city, one can learn and remember (or better write down) where and what strollers are on sale. Demand for strollers for twins, for obvious reasons, is small, so they stand in stores sometimes for months. So you can be sure, by the time of the birth of the kids, some of the strollers you are looking for will still be on sale, and the newly minted dad will be able to go quickly and without panic and buy one of the pre-selected strollers at the right time.

Look at the strollers, which are called "live", in the store, it is also important because this is the only way to understand if this or that wheelchair is right for you personally. Reviews on the Internet are also necessary to read (see the next paragraph), but only after examining and touching the stroller, having rolled it, you will understand whether it is convenient for you to manage it.

2. Bypassing the trading halls, you can get a job at home in front of the computer with access to the Internet and carefully study:

At this stage, you will have basic preferences and an approximate list of possible purchases will be made.

3. After such a thorough "monitoring", in general, you can already definitively be determined with a choice and immediately buy the wheelchair (if superstitions do not interfere). Or postpone the purchase until the joyful moment of replenishment in the family. Just keep in mind that if you order a stroller on the Internet, it may take some time before it is received.

We deliberately do not consider here the option of buying a summer stroller-cane for twins with hands. You can, of course, go and on this path, but too great a risk that the carriage will simply not serve its term. Probably, it is not necessary to explain that a stroller for a twin, by definition, must withstand a double load. This leads to more rapid wear and all kinds of breakdowns. It is known that cheap strollers and strollers of the middle class for twins can withstand a maximum total weight of not more than 15-20 kg, after which they fail. So it's better not to stint and buy a new stroller. Exception can be made except for expensive and very reliable models.

Which stroller is best for twins?

This question, of course, is solved in each family individually. But in order to somewhat facilitate your final choice of stroller for twins, let's say a few words about the pros and cons of their various modifications.

Walking stroll-canes for twins are of two main types, according to the location of the seats: "side-by-side" and "locomotive".

"Side-by-side . " In such a stroller, the children sit side by side, sideways to each other.

Pros of the location "side by side": each child has more space and a better view; each child is at the same distance from his mother, in the same "reach zone"; often such strollers are equipped with capacious baskets for purchases.

Cons: with such a stroller it is impossible to drive through a narrow doorway; It is difficult to control if there is only one child in the stroller.

"Steam Engine" . In the stroller for twin "locomotive" children are located one after another, the seats are on one or at different heights. Depending on the model, the children have a back or face to their mother. There are models that allow you to set the seats facing each other (note: for some strollers this is possible only with a special adapter that is sold separately and not always available).

The advantages of such a stroller: easily passes along narrow paths and into doorways; easy to control.

Cons: inconvenience of sitting behind the baby: a bad view, little space for the legs; Not all models provide for tilting the backs of both seats; such a stroller is difficult to unfold.

In conclusion, let us recall a few highlights, which, perhaps, will be decisive when choosing a stroller-cane for twins.

We wish you a successful choice!