Allergies to buckwheat infants

Not so long ago, doctors argued about whether there is an allergy to buckwheat. But already today it is reliably known: buckwheat groats and products from it can quite provoke an allergic reaction, both at adults, and at kids. Recently, more and more similar phenomena occur in infants, who try this type of food for the first time.

Why does the child have an allergy to buckwheat?

Unlike other cereals, such as wheat and rice, buckwheat has always been considered a hypoallergenic food precisely because of the lack of gluten (it is a strong allergen). But at the same time in the grains of buckwheat in large quantities contain vegetable proteins - globulins, prolamines and albumins. Thanks to them, buckwheat is very nutritious, but in some people prone to allergies, the enzymes of these proteins can cause a negative reaction.

In an infant, an allergy can occur even on buckwheat porridge, which his mother ate shortly before feeding. Therefore, it is so important to track which product provoked the reaction.

Allergy to buckwheat - symptoms and treatment

The reaction to the consumption of foods from buckwheat in adults and children manifests itself in different ways. If in an adult it is mainly urticaria, swelling of the lips, coughing, sneezing, headache and sometimes diarrhea, then the baby allergy to buckwheat is usually accompanied by a rash on the body, impaired intestinal function, runny nose and tear. Even a single expressed symptom will already talk about allergies, and the main task - to reveal what exactly triggered such a reaction of the body.

The main rule in the treatment of allergy to buckwheat, as well as to any other product, is the early detection of an allergen and its exclusion from the diet. For diagnosis, standard methods are used - allergens, antibody tests and skin testing. With regard to treatment, it is mainly the elimination of symptoms with antihistamines ( Fenistil , Zirtek, Tavegil). These medications for babies should be used in appropriate forms of release (drops, suspensions) and dosages.