When does the child begin to see?

When the baby was born, his relatives are eagerly awaiting the appearance of the long-awaited child of signs of awareness. After all, you want the child to hear and see you. It is believed that the newborn comes into the big world, not yet possessing hearing and sight. It has been suggested that the first few weeks the baby only feels hungry, and he has no other sensations. Then the interest of adults to what the child begins to see is natural.

Newborn baby and his vision

In fact, the baby is born with an already developed vision. The fact that even in the womb of the fetus on the 18th week of pregnancy is the formation of the eye. By the seventh month, the future baby already has an eyeball. A little later, the fetus begins to react to flashes of light, which are sent to the mother's abdomen. The kid even turns the head on them.

Thus, immediately after the birth of a crumb can react only to the absence or presence of light.

Despite this fact, parents still think about whether they see a newborn. They can be understood. The child is born, as a rule, with swollen eyelids, which is explained by pressure on the head when passing through the birth canal. In addition, the baby screwed up, because he gets out of the darkness into a bright light.

How do newborn children see it?

In the first days of life, the world around us is presented to the kid in the form of shadows or as if in a fog. He can not grasp everything, but focuses his eyes on fairly large objects located nearby. But at what distance do newborns see? The first two months of life the baby sees things that are 20-25 cm away from him. By the way, this is the interval between the mother and the baby when feeding. Therefore it is not surprising that my mother's face is the most beloved "picture" in newborns. By the end of the first month the child distinguishes the silhouettes and watches the movement of the object at a distance of about 30 cm. By the month and a half the crumb is able to distinguish the three-dimensional objects from the flat ones, and to 2.5 months - concave from the convex. And as for when a child begins to see well, it usually takes 3 months. It is at this age that the baby distinguishes the people around him on the facial features, and, accordingly, recognizes the mother and father.

In the first months after birth, it is noticeable that the baby's eyes are mowed. This is because the depth of perception of the carapace is insufficient, in other words, he has not yet learned to look. Gradually, the ophthalmic muscles will strengthen, and at most to half a year the child will look at both eyes in parallel. If the strabismus to 6 months does not pass, you need to contact an ophthalmologist.

By the way, among the inhabitants there is an opinion that newborns see upside down. In fact, this is not quite true: the image on the retina is really reversed. But the kid does not see upside down. Since his visual analyzer is not yet developed, he does not perceive the picture.

When does the child begin to discern the colors?

If we talk about what colors the newborns see, then everything is quite understandable. After all, because in the first couple of months the world is presented to the child in the form of a shadow and light, it is completely different from white and black. Babies at this age really like contrasting patterns with patterns of black and white elements (circles, stripes).

This ability as a distinction of bright colors comes to the kid with the ability to recognize faces, that is, to three months. Kids give out yellow and red color, therefore it is recommended to buy rattles of these shades. Along with this, some colors, such as blue, are not yet available to the baby. Distinguish the basic colors of the karapuz will learn only by 4-5 months.