Self-esteem and level of claims

In psychology, there are such definitions as self-esteem and the level of personal claims. But is there a connection between the level of pretensions and self-esteem of a person? And if so, what is it? The answer is the following - these concepts are interrelated.

It's very simple - the lower the person's self-esteem , the lower his level of claims, and vice versa. Individuals with low self-esteem will never be able to set themselves significant tasks, and will not be able to strive for the achievement of serious goals. Such people will move through life with uncertain steps, while being convinced that they are not capable of anything more. Therefore, it is so important to love yourself and really assess your abilities. At the same time, in no case can we stop at what we have achieved, we must always strive for something new, unidentified.

Thus, self-esteem, together with the level of claims, affect the way of life of a person and on his limit of success. Accordingly, it turns out a banal conclusion: increasing your self-esteem, you can increase and the level of claims, while getting cardinal changes in your life. To interfere in this matter can only one thing: health resources. Therefore, you should not run your body. Give him more attention.

Diagnosis of the level of self-esteem and level of claims

There is a technique - diagnosis of the level of self-esteem and level of claims. It is carried out as follows: it is necessary to draw on the sheet of paper two coordinate axes, the same length. Number them from zero to one hundred. The horizontal axis will characterize your health, and the vertical axis will characterize your abilities. You need to assess your abilities. Then you put a point on the vertical axis, then evaluate your health, and, accordingly, put a point on the horizontal axis. After doing all of the above, you need to find the intersection point of these values ​​and draw a vector that originates from the origin to the resulting point.

If the vector has a slope of 45 degrees, your result is excellent. This means that your level of claims and self-esteem harmoniously corresponds to the physical capabilities of the body. If your vector is directed upwards, then for you it should become a definite "bell" - you overestimate your possibilities, your body requires rest and peace. Otherwise, you may have significant health problems. Accordingly, if your vector is turned down, then you do not use your potential and capabilities in full.