Treatment of external hemorrhoids in the home

With venous inflammation in the rectum, there is a sharp violation of blood circulation and the formation of hemorrhoids. If the disease does not undergo therapy, it progresses, and the "cones" drop out and are located already on the outside of the anal opening. As a rule, professional proctologist and surgical intervention are required in such cases, but it is also possible to treat external hemorrhoids at home. For this purpose, there are many medications that are easy to use on their own, as well as effective folk recipes.

Rapid treatment of external and combined hemorrhoids at home

The most effective way to treat the problem described is a conservative, integrated approach that includes:

  1. Reception of systemic preparations (for oral administration) - Detraleks, Pileks, Ginkor Fort.
  2. Application of a special ointment for the treatment of external hemorrhoids - Proctosedil, Gepatrombin G, Proctosan, Aurobin, Posterizan, Relief.
  3. Compliance with a diet that helps soften the stool and prevent constipation .
  4. Exercise to strengthen and develop the sphincter.
  5. Wash after each act of defecation instead of using toilet paper.
  6. Conducting thermal procedures (sedentary baths).

If you simultaneously adhere to all these recommendations, you can significantly reduce the pain syndrome and other symptoms of pathology, avoid the need for surgical excision of hemorrhoids.

Traditional methods of treatment of external hemorrhoids

The means of alternative medicine, basically, consist in compresses, which should be applied to inflamed "lumps". Gadgets are made from such products:

Also recommended are warm sessile baths with the addition of strong decoctions of chamomile flowers, sage, onion husks, marigold marigolds.

With a strong inflammation of the hemorrhoids, you can try home ointment.

Ointment Recipe


Preparation and application

Place the oil on a water bath. While it is warming up, carefully break down the propolis. Mix the melted butter with the ground bee products, leave in a water bath for 10 minutes. After that, mix the mixture well and cool it. Apply the obtained ointment to the affected areas 2-3 times within 24 hours with a thin layer.