Electric Turk

Today we have prepared an up-to-date review for those who are interested in acquiring an electric turbo. From this material you can find out what the electric coffee cup is, how practical it is to use, and what else can help in the farm besides brewing coffee. Let's get to know this device closer.

General information

It should be noted that the electric torch came out in mass production only relatively recently, which is rather strange, because the very concept of the device is simple and very convenient. Actually, it consists, as it were, of two parts: the Turks themselves with the heating element and the stand with the contacts. In general, its structure is much like modern electric kettles. The upper part of the container for brewing coffee is narrowed, as befits a real Turk. Typically, the brewing flask is placed in a plastic casing, into which a waterproof gasket is inserted. In this way, it is possible to prevent an electrical short circuit if the handle or housing is wet. These devices contain quite powerful for their size heating elements, which allows the water to boil in a matter of minutes. For this reason, the appearance of an electrical circuit in a small family means sending all the teapots in the house to "retire".

How to brew coffee in an electrical circuit?

Coffee from an electric turk is more fragrant than any coffee maker . It should be cooked in the same way as in and in an ordinary Turkish. To make the drink come to fame, it should be brewed from freshly fried and necessarily freshly ground grains. Sugar add to yourself, based on personal preferences, but remember that this can be done right when brewing. The best electric coffee turbs have an auto-shutdown function that turns off the heating element when the water boils. The coffee so brewed keeps a full bouquet of flavor and flavor of this divine drink. As you can see, the process itself is as simple as never before, after all, having bought the "right" electric circuit model, you will never see stains on the table from the boiled coffee. True connoisseurs of this drink recommend not pouring water on more than one serving, so you can make the drink even stronger and fragrant.

Choosing electrical

The first thing on which to base the choice of electrical circuit, is its power. To make the water boil quickly, make sure that the power of the device varies between 750-790 watts. Such a turk under the power to boil one serving of drink for 40 seconds, and for three portions, filled at the same time, it will take less than two minutes. Electro-Turtut with an auto-shut-off is a pledge of deliciously brewed coffee, because if the water does not boil for a long time, then the taste and aroma of the drink is not lost. It is better to give preference to models of Turks with internal heating elements made of stainless steel.

Well, in conclusion, some interesting facts related to this adaptation. The electric Turk brews coffee almost three times faster than its classical version (dzhezva) . If the electrical the device is able to boil water for two minutes, then on the stove it boils for six minutes.

To the electric Turks apply the same conditions of care as to electric kettles. You can not allow the formation of a deposit on the walls, because of it, the drink can acquire a bitter taste. In addition, abrasive detergents are taboo.

We hope that the above arguments are enough to understand that this device is indispensable for lovers of freshly brewed strong and fragrant coffee. And in a house where coffee is rarely brewed, electric torches can come in handy, because sometimes you need to quickly heat a small amount of water.