The child coughs hard - what to do?

Coughing in young children is accompanied by almost all diseases of the upper respiratory tract, so allergic reactions can manifest themselves, besides, the baby can just choke.

Often, these symptoms quickly pass on their own, but sometimes the cough is so severe that it prevents the baby from sleeping peacefully, causes vomiting, muscle pain and other unpleasant consequences. In this article we will consider the possible reasons why a small child cough very much, and what to do in this situation and how to treat diseases that can cause coughing attacks.

The most likely causes

  1. Whooping cough. A very dangerous childhood infectious disease, often leading to death, is always accompanied by a strong barking cough. The attack begins with a loud wheezing breath, usually lasts a few minutes, the child can not cope with a cough for a long time. This manifestation of the disease is due to the fact that the pertussis reproduces in the nervous system and irritates the cough center. In this connection, expectorants and other antitussive drugs will not help here, treatment in the hospital is shown under the strict supervision of a doctor with mandatory use of sedatives.
  2. Laryngotracheitis, or "false cereal." This condition can be caused by a viral infection or allergy and is a severe cough accompanied by swelling of the laryngeal mucosa. If suspicion of "false cereal" should immediately call an ambulance, because untimely assistance can lead to the most serious consequences. The only thing that parents can help before the arrival of doctors, if the child is very much coughing, is to give him as much warm drinking water and mucolytic drugs.
  3. Finally, the most common reason why a child coughs heavily, is obstructive bronchitis. With this disease, cough accompanied by characteristic shortness of breath, often high fever, the baby feels weak throughout the body. Treatment should be done under the supervision of a pediatrician. It is compulsory to take expectorants, for example, Lazolvan or Prospan, to make a special massage for sputum discharge from the bronchi. Inhalation can be assisted by a nebulizer with saline or mineral water, in more severe cases - with medications (Berodual, Pulmicort).