How to fix a child's posture?

Posture - one of the most important details that form the image of a person in the eyes of others. In addition, proper posture is a guarantee of health and proper development of the spine. That is why, from the earliest times in all countries, noblemen and wealthy people cared for the bearing of their children from an early age.

Today, attention to the problem of violations and correction of posture in children is somewhat weakened. Rather, doctors still insist on the need for control over the posture, but parents are rarely patient enough to follow the correctness of the child's posture methodically and stubbornly for a long time.

Violation of posture in children: treatment

The consequences of incorrect posture in a child can be very, very serious: a decrease in the volume of the lungs, the descent of the internal organs, their squeezing and, as a result, illness and disorganization of all organs and systems of the body, memory impairment (due to circulatory disturbance), back pain, shortness of breath - all this is not a complete list of possible problems. Preventing all this is not so difficult, it is enough to choose one of the existing methods of correcting the posture in children (by the way, all these methods are also suitable for adults):

Complex exercises for the bearing of children

Exercises for posture for children are aimed, first of all, on strengthening the muscles of the back and increasing the overall tone of the muscles of the body. Perform gymnastics for the posture for children should be regular, you can include it in the morning exercise exercises or separate, for example, every evening or after school.

Consider examples of exercises for correcting posture in children:

  1. Starting position: lying on the stomach (on a hard surface, for example, a gym or fitness mat laid on the floor). Hands are straight forward, legs straight, breath free. Then you should simultaneously raise your arms and legs, caving in the lower back, stay in this position for 1-2 seconds and return to the starting position. Repeat 5-15 times (depending on the level of physical fitness).
  2. Starting position: lying on the back, arms freely lie along the body, breathing is arbitrary. The legs bent at the knees rise above the floor, the back is straight, the waist does not bend. Movements with feet simulate the movements of the legs when riding a bicycle ("pedal"). It should be done 6-15 sets of 5-10 rotations.
  3. Starting position: lying on the back, hands along the body, breathing is arbitrary. Alternately raise the floor above the straight legs, the lower back while it can not be deflected. 10-15 lifts with each foot.
  4. Starting position: standing with back to the wall, breathing free, hands freely lowered along the body. Slow squats with keeping the contact of the back, neck and buttocks with the wall. Repeat 5-10 times.

Pay attention to your child's posture now, do not postpone the correction of already existing violations to the "after". Keep in mind that in childhood, to correct the posture is easier and faster than in the mature. The sooner you pay attention to the condition of your child's spine, the less health problems the baby will have.