Pharyngosept for children

Spring is not only a time for the awakening of nature - it is the time of avitaminosis and maladaptation of immune processes, when the human body is more susceptible to various bacterial infections. What is even more unpleasant is that it is children who most often fall under their sights. Today we will tell you about the antibacterial agent that should be in any family medicine cabinet - about the pharyngept.

Structure of the preparation

The composition of the pharyngosept includes an ambazone (active ingredient), sucrose, lactose. Ambazone is an antiseptic, which has a local antibacterial effect. The spectrum of its effectiveness is quite wide, since it affects most types of streptococci and pneumococci, which are frequent but uninvited "guests" of the oral cavity of the child and his upper respiratory tract.

Pharyngocept to children

Surely, as parents, you are especially vigilant in relation to the health of your children. And, of course, you can ask questions: "Is it possible for children to take pharyngocept, and at what age?" ". The answer is yes, the appointment of a pharyngocept in childhood is possible starting from three years. This is due more to the way of application, rather than the chemical composition of the drug. After all, children of an earlier age give tablets for resorption - it's dangerous!


One of the main indications for the use of pharyngocept is pharyngitis. Because of the inflammatory process in the throat, most often caused by streptococcal infection, your baby can be tormented by cough, pain and sore throat, difficulty swallowing, and fever. Faringozept perfectly copes in this situation, saving your child from "uninvited guests" and unpleasant sensations.

It should also be noted that pharyngosept for children is an excellent choice, because it has pleasant taste qualities (thanks to vanilla and lemon extract), and more importantly - does not have a negative effect on the intestinal microflora, and does not cause dysbacteriosis.

In addition to pharyngitis, this drug is effective when:


How to properly take faryngosept and in what dosage - not everyone knows.

Side effects

Faringosept very rarely has side effects and if any, they are of minimal character. For example, it can be minor allergic reactions and skin rashes.


Tharyngept has limited contraindications, namely individual intolerance of the drug, or the presence of allergies to one of its components. Also, caution should be exercised in the case of diabetes, due to the high glucose content of these tablets.

Note that cases of an overdose of pharyngocept have not been documented, however, if the dose is exceeded, we recommend that you induce vomiting and rinse the stomach.

Rejoice in the spring sun, and freshness, and singing birds, and most importantly grow healthy! Good luck!