Why dream a bouquet of roses?

Roses, as a symbol, in the most varied interpretations are a sign of passion, love, beauty and success . But much depends on the specific circumstances of sleep. What a dream of a bouquet of roses, is due to their color, degree of freshness and the plot components of sleep.

Why do you dream a big bouquet of scarlet roses?

Fresh roses are always a positive sign, foreshadowing success in personal and love affairs. Scarlet roses on various dream books are considered a symbol of passionate relationships. Rose buds are a success in career matters. Roses from a loved one - a sign of his fidelity and ardor.

For girls, such a sign in a dream can be a hint of an upcoming offer from a beloved man. If the person of the donor is unknown or can not be recalled, then such a sign may indicate the beginning of a new turbulent relationship.

Why dream a bouquet of white roses?

White roses are purity, nobility and loyalty. A bouquet of fresh fragrant roses signifies purity and devotion in relationships not only with a loved one, but also harmony in communicating with the surrounding people. A warning is a dream in which wilted white roses appear, such a dream can speak of the complex internal state of the person himself, his disharmony with the surrounding people and with himself, depression and disappointment.

Why dream a bouquet of pink roses?

Pink roses are a symbol of not passion, but romance. That is, to see in a dream a bouquet of fresh pink roses is to the top new relationships, flirting, joyful and pleasant events. Pink roses promise pleasant excitement, expectations and getting joy from life, the beginning of an interesting and productive relationship that may lead to serious intentions in the future.

A bouquet of withered pink roses in a dream is a warning that a new acquaintance and relationships will not lead to anything good, you need to be cautious, as in the end there may be great disappointment, complexity and stress.

The circumstances of sleep are also very important, for example, to receive a bouquet of roses as a gift or to see it in a vase is a positive sign, but to decorate yourself with roses is a deception or self-deception. Prick on the spike of a rose - warning of danger, usually from the side of a loved one.