Why dream about trifles?

With the correct interpretation of dreams, you can find out the events that will occur in the near future. To get the most truthful information it is worthwhile to carefully analyze the dream, take into account all the small things and emotional stress. It is also important to compare the information received with the events of the present.

Why dream about trifles?

Often such a dream is a consequence of the fact that you often spend your time on uninteresting things, from which there is no use. Another dream can be interpreted as cardinal changes in life. Copper coins foretell great material problems up to complete lack of money. A silver trifle promises tears and disappointments.

Why dream of spilling a trifle, a penny?

Such a dream can be considered a warning about the occurrence of various quarrels and disputes. Most likely, you will have to defend your opinion, but the arguments will be inconclusive. Even such night dreams can mean that one of the enemies wants to set you up.

Why dream of giving a trifle?

In a dream, you give a trifle to the poor, then in the future a person will appear in your life who will give you all support. Still such a dream means that soon you will be given a chance, to share with other people the accumulated experience. A dream in which you give someone a trifle, presages expenses.

Why dream of a trifle?

Such a dream promises disappointment and tears. At this time, the risk of serious trouble is increased. One of the dream books recommends in the near future to be more economical to improve their situation. A dream in which you consider a trifle, presages that you can get out of a difficult situation with your head held high.

Why do you dream a lot of small things?

Find a large number of coins, then in the future you can Count on luck, perhaps you will advance the career ladder. Another such dream promises rapid changes in life and fun pastime.

Why dream of collecting trifles?

If you find coins and collect them - this is a symbol that your material condition will soon improve. Still this dream can be interpreted, as that insignificant existing problems will be solved by themselves.

Why dream of paying with small change?

If you want to buy something and recount a trifle, understanding at the same time what you lack, it means that in real life expect success in the financial sphere. Dream symbolizes that you take care of money and do not throw them into the wind.