Why not give a cross?

Sometimes there is a desire to give a close and dear person something special. And the person begins to think about giving an icon or a cross. There is a sign that donating a cross is a bad omen. According to this superstition, the crosses donated by somebody cause suffering, grief, accidents, health problems and failures. In this article, you will learn about whether it is possible to give gold crosses, and what such signs are associated with.

Why not give a cross to close people? There is an opinion that such a gift can be made only at baptism . In another case, it is believed that this gift will attract someone else's fate and even a quick death. But in fact, the church has nothing against such gifts and such superstitions are denied and refuted. According to the clergy, on the contrary, the donated cross will be a protection and God's blessing. Therefore, the question as to whether the crosses are given, has a positive answer, and if you want to give such a thing to an expensive person, then you can do it without fear.

In fact, since ancient times, the Orthodox have a good tradition - to give dear people a cross. According to religious canons, the cross is a blessing from above. By the way, the rite of exchanging nativity crosses makes people "spiritual relatives", "twin brothers". From now on they need to pray for each other. In this regard, the church rejects all the superstitions associated with the fact that donating a cross is a bad omen.

Who can give a cross?

For the first time a cross is put on a man during the sacrament of Baptism, and this thing is not an ornament, but carries a deep sacral meaning. This is not only a symbol of faith in Christianity, but also a guard, the protection of a person from any negative forces. A cross can be given by the godmother or godfather before the Epiphany, and with this cross you must go through your whole life. When a person is put on him, a special prayer is pronounced.

This is the reason why people who are not godparents do not give crosses. The cross is worn once and for the whole life, hiding under the clothes - it is not accepted to expose the cross for public viewing. In this regard, there is no need to give one more cross as a memorable presentation.

Do they give crosses for other reasons than Baptism? In principle, this is not excluded. Some give their nativity on birthday parties or birthdays. The main condition of such a gift - you must be sure that the addressee of the gift is a believer who professes Christianity. It is important to present a dagger as a gift only with pure thoughts, without thinking about the problems and difficulties at this moment. Such a gift will be appreciated even more if it is consecrated and brought from some famous holy place.

When you choose a cross for a gift, follow your taste and take that thing that you like. In addition to the cross, you can buy a personal icon that will match the name given at the Epiphany or incense.

Therefore, be sure that a sign that does not recommend donating a cross is just superstition . Believe in it or not - your right. The cross, even if it is found by chance, will not bring the new owner sickness, misfortune, unhappiness and even more so, premature death.

If you still decide to donate a cross, it is recommended to pre-consecrate it in the church.