What is the name Peter?

The basic quality of Peter is hardness, the main aspiration is ambition and justice.

The name Peter comes from the ancient Greek "petra" - a block, rock, cliff.

Origin of the name Peter:

The name came to us, like most others, from the ancient Greek language. His Greek form - Petros, is translated as "stone", "rock".

Character and interpretation of the name Peter:

From an early age, Petra is distinguished by a painful self-love and acute reactions to resentment. The child-Peter is active and complacent. He loves his parents tenderly and seeks to communicate with as many people as possible, but acute sensitivity sometimes pushes him from society. Peter is characterized by a constant desire for justice and understanding, and rudeness and insubordination can seriously hurt him. Petra usually early grow up, smart not by age. Susceptibility Petrov often directs them toward art, from an early age they are interested in painting and music, are fond of collecting rare objects.

Petra persist in achieving the goal. Having chosen a kind of activity, they strive to achieve maximum heights in it, both professional and career ones. Peter has a versatile nature and an inquisitive mind, which opens the way to him in the direction of art and science. In any case, Peter is distinguished by rationality and slowness, he is a born researcher and analyst. He always treats the profession with deep respect and rarely changes it. Sharp change of work, collective and climate is fraught with Peter almost physical pain.

Petra are sociable and drawn to people. They are interesting interlocutors and good colleagues. Because of their desire for justice, they can fearlessly enter into conflicts without worrying about the consequences and not calculating the results of their words and deeds. However, Peter's actions are almost never characterized by natural malice, they calm down easily and later even regret their quick temper. Angry Peter is easy to manage, than often used by their detractors. Offended Peter is unreachable and vindictive, inclined to suspiciousness and new outbursts of rage. Convinced in his own rightness, Peter will never give up his words and make the interlocutor indulgent. Petra sometimes gives the impression of unsociable and cynical people, hiding their subtle and sensitive nature in solitude. The blow to self-love for Peter is especially painful.

In love, Peter is picky and picky. Never rushes to marry head and shoulders, first of all, from the position of loyalty. Impatient to betrayal, but never changes himself, believes that fate should be linked once and for all. Sexually undemanding, pays much attention to spiritual similarity and community of interests. In the beginning of relations Peter often fears betrayal and therefore seems dry, cold and terse, but then reveals himself and surrounds the woman with warmth and unobtrusive tenderness. He is rarely romantic, but always reliable.

In the family, Peter treats his parents with great respect, especially his mother. He considers it his main business to provide for his family, he ensures that children do not need anything, but rarely pampers them, preferring to buy necessary and useful things.

Interesting facts about the name Peter:

The "winter" Petra is more ambitious and stubborn. Born in the summer and in the autumn, they are balanced and tend to be melancholy, amorous and proud, and the "spring" ones are talented and easy-witted.

Successful marriages of Petrov with the Barbarians, Eugene, Svetlana, Lyudmila and Natalia, are less successful - with Elena, Oksana and Marina.

Name Peter in different languages:

Forms and variants of the name : Petya, Petjana, Petyakha, Petyasha, Petka, Petrik Petryanya, Petryata, Petrija, Petryasha, Petunia, Petusia, Petro, Petrunia, Petrasha, Petyusya, Petyukha, Petyusha, Petiai, Petiaika, Petrusya, Petruha, Petrusa , Petriya, Peta, Petryai, Petriaka, Rooster, Petush, Petrushka, Petyuka, Petyunya

Peter - name : orange-red

Flower of Peter : mimosa

Stone Petra : amber, carnelian