
Many women, during pregnancy or preparation for it, are prescribed the drug Utrozestan. This drug is hormonal, because it contains progesterone, but it should not be feared, because this substance helps to save the fruit, and in preparation - to create favorable conditions for the carrying of the baby.

When are Candidas appointed?

If there is a deficiency of progesterone in the body of a woman, which is detected by laboratory means, then in this case, the suppositories of Utrozhestan are prescribed during pregnancy necessarily. Apply them until 12-20 weeks, until the function of the yellow body (which should produce progesterone) will not take on the placenta and passes the threat of miscarriage.

If a woman already had miscarriages in the early stages, then Utrozestan is prescribed for prophylactic purposes. Also, the remedy will help with the beginning of the detachment, but only the dose of the drug will be maximal and a strict bed rest is needed.

When planning pregnancy, the candles of Utrozestan are often appointed. In this situation, due to the action of progesterone on the genital area, the layer of the endometrium in the uterus increases and the fetal egg can easily be implanted into it at the appropriate time.

But such treatment will help only in the case when the reason for impossibility to become pregnant was precisely problems with the endometrium , due to its insufficient thickness. If there are concomitant gynecological diseases, then one Utrozestan without adequate treatment will not help.

Is it a pill or a candle?

The agent Utrozhestan is available in three forms - candles, capsules and tablets. You can not guess what exactly is right for you, but most often doctors prescribe not a tablet form, namely candles. Why is this happening and what is their advantage over the oral method of application?

The fact is that any medicine used through the gastrointestinal tract affects it to a greater or lesser degree, irritating the walls of the stomach and intestines. And since the use of Utrozhestan does not come down to several days, but lasts for several weeks, not every digestive system can withstand such a strain, especially if the woman already has a gastritis or ulcer.

In addition, oral administration of the drug shows nausea, dizziness, allergic reactions, which is not present during the use of candles. Women who are prone to allergies (and there are many such now), you must use only suppositories, or switch to another similar means, for example, Dyufaston .

How to use vaginal suppositories?

The dosage of Utrozhestan is strictly individual and depends on the severity of the condition. The maximum daily dose of the drug is 3 candles of 200 mg. But most often the therapeutic effect can be achieved using 1-2 suppositories of 100 mg or 200 mg.

Doctors recommend that after the introduction of the suppository lie in bed for 3 hours, because otherwise the candle will simply flow out and the desired therapeutic effect will not be achieved. How can this be achieved, because the work has not been canceled?

And the fact is that when two or three one-time administration is prescribed, this means a threat of termination of pregnancy, and a woman should in any case adhere to bed rest to save pregnancy. If you use a candle once a day, then you need to do it at night.

Candles of Utrozestan - side effects

No matter how differently the candles differ from the tablets, they also have a side effect. Some women note unpleasant itching and burning in the vagina, especially those who suffer from vaginitis.

When planning a pregnancy, if the dose is exceeded or, conversely, it is underestimated, masching intermenstrual bleeding may occur or the monthly cycle may be lost. The drug in any form is contraindicated in liver diseases, oncopathology, metabolic disorders.