Late ovulation

Ovulation and all that is associated with it is an exciting topic for all women who want to become pregnant.

From the school course of anatomy we know that ovulation is the physiological process of the emergence of a mature egg into the abdominal cavity. At this moment the probability of the birth of a new life reaches its maximum.

That is why it is extremely important to know the exact date of release of the oocyte to those women who plan pregnancy, as well as to couples who practice the natural method of contraception.

With a regular menstrual cycle, it is not difficult to determine ovulation: as a rule, this happens on the 12-16 day after the start of the last menstruation. In addition, the body itself tells you that it is ready for fertilization, if you look closely at it. Usually, on the day of the release of the egg, the sex drive increases in girls, the discharge from the vagina becomes more fluid. Some people say they are drawing pains in the lower abdomen from the left or right side. For more accurate diagnosis of ovulation, you can use special tests.

Difficulties with the definition can arise in women with irregular cycles and late ovulation. In this case, the only true solution is to have patience and tests, and, of course, visit a doctor.

Causes of late ovulation

So what does late ovulation mean and why does it occur? In medical practice, this term is usually taken to mean the release of the egg no earlier than on day 18 of the menstrual cycle. In some women, late ovulation is a characteristic of the organism, in others it is one of the signs of pathology. And the question is whether late ovulation can be the cause of infertility, excites all without exception.

However, it is not necessary to panic, more often such violations are observed:

That is, it is obvious that late ovulation occurs even in absolutely healthy and ready-to-conceive women, but it can also be a consequence of some disease incompatible with the bearing of the child.

Pregnancy in late ovulation

If a woman does not have any visible pathologies and disorders, then late ovulation should not become a hindrance to pregnancy and a cause for concern when bearing. The only problem is the difficulty of determining the days that are favorable for conception. However, here, to cope with this task will help modern methods:

Another exciting issue for women with late ovulation, when you can do pregnancy tests. In the case of a successful fertilization attempt, even with late ovulation, a delay in menstruation is considered to be their absence after 14 or more days, after ascertaining the fact of the egg's release. Actually, starting from this moment, the test can quite show the coveted two strips.

However, that at late ovulation signs of pregnancy can appear a little later, and also there can be a significant discrepancy between obstetric and embryonic term.

Recommendations for women with late ovulation

In order for conception to be successful and planned, every woman needs to be careful about her health. Especially it concerns those ladies, whose menstrual cycle does not differ in regularity, and ovulation is timeliness and constancy. Do not forget that the earlier the disease is diagnosed, the higher the chances of feeling the joy of motherhood in the future.