Aching low back during early pregnancy

Quite often women during pregnancy, especially at an early age, face such a situation when the lower back aches. Often, this phenomenon is caused by the processes of restructuring the body and is not a violation. However, it should be noted that in some situations, this symptomatology may indicate the possibility of complicating the gestational process. Let's consider this phenomenon in more detail and try to find out: why does the lower back pain in expectant mothers in the early stages of pregnancy and whether this is the norm.

When the pain in the back area when bearing a baby is normal?

It is worth noting that the weak, painful sensation of a woman in the situation can already feel about the 11th week of gestation. By this time, the uterus is becoming large enough, so that the place in the cavity of the small pelvis becomes small. Therefore, the displacement of this organ begins in the abdominal cavity; the bottom of the uterus is already at the level of the navel.

Such changes lead to the fact that the ligamentous apparatus of the genital organ experiences an overvoltage. In turn, the woman starts to note uncomfortable sensations at the bottom of the back and the lower back, which can only increase after physical exertion and by the end of the day.

With further growth and increase in fetal mass, changes in the structure of the vertebral discs are noted, - the bone tissue becomes more friable and soft. This is due to an increase in the concentration of the hormone progesterone.

In addition, it should be said that the loin hurts during pregnancy, in particular by the end of the first trimester, and because of the change in the center of gravity of the stomach due to intensive growth and increase in the size of the fetus. However, as a rule, by the 20th week of the gestational age, this symptomatology should disappear. If this does not happen - it is necessary to think about the presence of a violation in the body of a pregnant woman.

When back pain in bearing a baby is the cause for concern?

Having dealt with when the loin usually begins to hurt during pregnancy and by what time such phenomena should stop, it is necessary to name the main causes of soreness in later terms.

First of all, it is necessary to distinguish such a violation as osteochondrosis, which can become aggravated when the child is born. As a rule, a woman in such cases knows about having a similar problem and should inform the doctor about it.

Inflammatory processes in the urinary system, in particular pyelonephritis, can also be accompanied by a similar kind of symptomatology. Therefore, in determining the causes of pain in the lower back, to exclude the presence of this disorder, a kidney ultrasound is performed. It should be noted that in most cases of such a disease, only one kidney is involved in the inflammatory process, so the loin on one side hurts. Also characterized by the presence of concomitant symptoms of the disease, such as increased body temperature, soreness with urination, swelling in the morning, clouding of urine.

When there is soreness in the lower back of the belly during pregnancy on a short term, doctors try to rule out such complications as spontaneous abortion. In this case, there are pains in the lower abdomen, which are accompanied by the appearance of secretions from the genital tracts of dark color. If they are available, urgently need to see a doctor.

What should the future mother do if she has a low back during pregnancy?

The best way to get rid of this symptomatology is physical exercise, the permission for which must be given by the doctor. Excellent help to cope with the problem of slow slopes, twists of the trunk, lifts of the legs in a prone position.

We should not forget that a pregnant woman simply needs a good rest and sleep. At the same time, it is necessary to avoid nervous tension, which can only exacerbate the situation.