Sex with impotent

Surely the very phrase "sex with impotent" causes you conflicting feelings. Impotence is a disease that manifests itself in the inability of a man to have sexual intercourse. Here we have in mind not a one-time occurrence of this problem, but regular sexual "blunders". So, what kind of sex can there be?

What do we do with this?

The causes of impotence are the problems of both the physiological and psychological plan. On the question of how to initiate an impotent, it will be possible to respond only after determining the cause of this illness. If impotence has arisen due to some disease (diabetes, hypertension, atherosclerosis), complex therapy will be required, aimed not only at restoring the potency, but, first of all, treating the detected disease. In the event that impotence is caused by physical health problems, it is not possible to excite a man with any "female tricks".

A man impotent is not a verdict at all. If a woman catches herself thinking "I still love and want this man", this attitude can make an impotent a full-fledged man. If the disease appeared against the background of psychological disorders, then it is just as important to establish the cause of the disorder and to eliminate it. The chances of helping a man to solve his problem with a woman in this case are much greater. Everything depends on the degree of trust between partners and the willingness of one to help another, and the other - to accept this help. Talk frankly with your man, find out what's bothering him. Perhaps, psychological trauma, hidden complexes, fears - help him to understand himself. Let him feel your participation and care.

The willingness of a man to tackle this unpleasant problem depends on love and respect for the woman. If a man appreciates you, wants to give you pleasure and please you, he will certainly try all possible methods of treatment, and together you can solve this problem.